There once Was A Man From India
Most of you, nay all of you, cept laurie, would not have had the distinct pleasure of meeting the one known as sharma, or sharmy to his firends, Well we arent his firends, laurie and i hate him and want him to die in a giant curry exsplosion!
But im deviating here, the sharma is a interesting creature, it lives in a little suburb of brisbane known as "little india", which consists of a small 2 story house, with 2 familys jammed in there, now i dont knwo how 2 familys would be able to live in the same house, but i guess you would get close to someone when you were getting shipped over from india in a fucking shoe box, all 2 familys in a shoe box.
Ok with that in mind his grasp of the language known as English is very poor, and many words are not pronunced as we, or even i with a comical indian accent, would pronounce them, for instance Virus, is pronounced Wireless, and Glen is pronounced, Gelen.....You would probably be able to work out that Laurie is pronunced loddy, much like sorry, is soddy.
Some of you might no that most indians are Vegitarian's, now thats ll well and good for them, but for the other poor shmucks that have to work with him, its a pain in the ass, because he doesnt eat meat, he is ALWAYS sick, im not talking about like once a month cold, im talking he has a perpetual, constant hack of a cough that is +10 to phlegm, 24/7 and he doesnt even SMOKE!!!!
I also belive that he was personaly responsable to bring SARS and the bird Flu to Australia. None of this SARS started in china cause the poor slope eyed bastads cant remember not to eat chicken shit, and then cover their entire body with chickens guts (note, this may not of actualy happened), but it came from all the dumb bastads living in india, and not eating meat!!!
Now as all of you would of seen the simpsons you all know about apu, i mean how could you not. Well Sharmy baby takes the very amusing apu accent and turns it into something that is a complete waste of air. its as if he were talking in tounge's (gibberish for all you un-educated shmucks)
Well i have just finished reading this post and what a rambeling piece of shit it is,
Just goes to show i learnt nothing from grade 12 english except how much Mr Elliot is a stupid fuck face who should be put down with a vengence, and for the love of god i mean what was with his wife, if you could call her that, i think thats a same sex marrige if i have ever seen it, they are both retarded and should be put in close proximity with some hydroclauric acid.
Again i applogise for my woeful spelling, and make no attempt to try and add grammer to this post
good day all
stay tuned for tommorrow (or this afternoon if i get bored) when i will contine the office ravings, Next stop, old man Don!
But im deviating here, the sharma is a interesting creature, it lives in a little suburb of brisbane known as "little india", which consists of a small 2 story house, with 2 familys jammed in there, now i dont knwo how 2 familys would be able to live in the same house, but i guess you would get close to someone when you were getting shipped over from india in a fucking shoe box, all 2 familys in a shoe box.
Ok with that in mind his grasp of the language known as English is very poor, and many words are not pronunced as we, or even i with a comical indian accent, would pronounce them, for instance Virus, is pronounced Wireless, and Glen is pronounced, Gelen.....You would probably be able to work out that Laurie is pronunced loddy, much like sorry, is soddy.
Some of you might no that most indians are Vegitarian's, now thats ll well and good for them, but for the other poor shmucks that have to work with him, its a pain in the ass, because he doesnt eat meat, he is ALWAYS sick, im not talking about like once a month cold, im talking he has a perpetual, constant hack of a cough that is +10 to phlegm, 24/7 and he doesnt even SMOKE!!!!
I also belive that he was personaly responsable to bring SARS and the bird Flu to Australia. None of this SARS started in china cause the poor slope eyed bastads cant remember not to eat chicken shit, and then cover their entire body with chickens guts (note, this may not of actualy happened), but it came from all the dumb bastads living in india, and not eating meat!!!
Now as all of you would of seen the simpsons you all know about apu, i mean how could you not. Well Sharmy baby takes the very amusing apu accent and turns it into something that is a complete waste of air. its as if he were talking in tounge's (gibberish for all you un-educated shmucks)
Well i have just finished reading this post and what a rambeling piece of shit it is,
Just goes to show i learnt nothing from grade 12 english except how much Mr Elliot is a stupid fuck face who should be put down with a vengence, and for the love of god i mean what was with his wife, if you could call her that, i think thats a same sex marrige if i have ever seen it, they are both retarded and should be put in close proximity with some hydroclauric acid.
Again i applogise for my woeful spelling, and make no attempt to try and add grammer to this post
good day all
stay tuned for tommorrow (or this afternoon if i get bored) when i will contine the office ravings, Next stop, old man Don!
2 Remarks:
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh helen????
ahh helen i am having some troubles with my xt
ahh i have a wireless on it
sounds to me like he is a bit of a dweeble... all dweebles should be exterminated .. now wheres my phaser
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