
Blog monkeys that tried to quit smoking Lauries sweet sweet pole axe, But when faced with a stressfull situation threw caution to the wind in a cavelcade of sexual inhabitions and cheese went back to the fires of mount poon to light the infernal dick of cancer and loved every second of it.
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Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Franks quote of the week

"[10:09] Frank -=[Mr Fusion]=-: i bought 25 chicken schnitzels last night..they loked at me funny"

indeed they would of!
Well my little todgers im back, for a proper post, to let some light in on the bizzare dog timepiece phenonomen that most people dismiss as a myth, as well as the mesterious wassbi cheese, as it not is as matt sugested, 50% wassabi + 50% cheese + 2% wax.....
Ass there was no wax on it at all!
According to here The unusual colour is due to some "leaf" i know i have had a unusual colour before from some "leaf", Bacl sabbath even wrote a song about it called "sweet leaf" Ahh ozzy u my bitch!
In other news i was typing a assingment in Office 97 (Old school word!) and do u know it didnt know that website was a word, it was fine with web site, but joining them well, poor old school spell check didnt know what to make of it...
Also it has been decreed, by me, that i use informal language to much, as when ever i needed to write "you" in the formal document i cept writing "u" which of course Office 97 has no troubles it...
U fine... Website, oh ho ho not on my watch soilder!
Well i have about 4 thousand assinments due in like 2 weeks
got a major animation to make (10 secs in length) due next friday
a website due next thrusday (fucking EASY!!!)
and a essay to write, which i have no idea about what, only 1500 words tho.
Goal for website and essay, to get 7's, only so i can get a overall 7 in that easy easy subject, cause it was pretty easy.
Like the exam i had yesterday, my lord, took like 10 mins, lets hope i pass.
Also i was parked in a loading zone....
Didnt get a ticket tho, probably cause they feared my leet word 97 skills.
Ros has been doing graveyard shifts which makes everyone tired.
On a another meandering sub tropical note, Saturday night was good, went to SBH to wish farwell to Tim McConaghie and Tara, one of the nurses ros works with, she was going to another hospitable, tim, another country.
farwell to both.
Also has anyone ever got a sms from ros?
She is terrible with no full stops or any punctuations
a message inviting some one to the movies could be this
"hey blank you wa
na come to the mo
vies on saturday
to see movie b i
cant go on frid
ays cause i have
a sore toe that
is glens fault c
ause he urinated
on the pillow th
at my toe was on
and it was gross"
or some shit like that
well that one still made sense, but some of the shit i see her type is fucking illegible, and this is coming from ME!!!!

hey everyone get a hold of the scisor sisters cd, its cool, cept the return to Oz track, tis odd.
Peace out.
Oh an update about franks schnitzels,
[10:11] Frank -=[Mr Fusion]=-: i said gimme 20..they said are you sure..i said yeah...oh youre right gimme 25...man got a real funny look from them"
Ha ha!

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