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Friday, March 03, 2006

Songs of Mammories.

I know erin (numero unknown) posted a while ago about songs that remind u of times and places, and this week i had the biggest experience of that, after much nagging by laurie, i draged ALL my faith no more albums to work so we could have them our drive..
Well arent i glad that i did, cause im now living the dream of fucking awesome Faith No More gooodness..
Well eitherway i dare say FNM would have to be my fav band of all time.. Yes probably even more fav than Metallica..
I mean i love everything Metallica does and to be honest i think Metallica might be a bit more fav, ONLY because they are still releasing new material.
I dare say Mike Patton (lead singer of FNM) would be my fav artist of all time..
I have bought, yes paid money for, at least one album of all the iteraions hes been a part of..
so thats
*Mr Bungle
*Faith no More
*General paton and the executioners
*And the strange colaberation with someone else, the album was titled, Song to make love to your grandma to...
or something equaly as fucked up...

Anyway i just love how powerfull music can be in our lives, we can pin point the exact momment in our lives, what we were doing, what year it was, and how much pull the song had to our inner beings.
Powerfull shit alright.
Considering how much utter bullshit is currently flowing out over the airways (mainly hip hop and shithouse pop)
Where has all the good music gone?
What happened to the awesome music of around 1999??
Did the new melenium dictate that only 1 awesome band may release an album each year, or subsequently release best of's, re-hahses of all the music we already own, but packaged into something we didnt really want, yet we buy it anyway cause we love the band so much and ultimatley have a large disapointment and un-gainly $30 cd of awesomene songs mashed together to make a complication cd... well yeah i mean thats true..

Sorry got a bit of a ramble up then..
My advice.
Go to your cd shelf...
Find the cd that has the MOST dust on it.
Add that fucker to your playlist, and savor the sweet succulence that is awesome oldschool (to our lives anyway) music of yester-year.

Also download the film clip to Scatman John's Scatman (Scat-be-bop-po-ba)
30mb of hilarity

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