
Blog monkeys that tried to quit smoking Lauries sweet sweet pole axe, But when faced with a stressfull situation threw caution to the wind in a cavelcade of sexual inhabitions and cheese went back to the fires of mount poon to light the infernal dick of cancer and loved every second of it.
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Tuesday, April 11, 2006

One hundred and twentyeigh.....

With a puzzled frown he realised he was in a room with no door, window or any other type of exit.
"What what?" he exclaimed in a thick accent laced heavily with confusion.

The room was small. Further and further he explored this room, finding nothing to engage his confusion laden mind but the distinct vapours of 128.

As he paced the room he came upon a button. The button was small in diameter; plain and unadorned, with no visible labels in the nearby vicinity.

What would the button do? Would he notice? Would it affect anyone else? None of these questions graced his mind, well they may have, only the complex neural pathways of his mind were so clogged with both confusion and a misappropriated sense of self worth, but mostly confusion.

Ultimately, somewhere on the highway of neurons a decision was formed, a committee set up, and subsequently many many tangents were created. So many tangents were created that the committee's original agenda was so amended that it held more resemblance to that of a recipe for boiled badger & lentil soup.

It was known as 'Committee A'.

Meanwhile, unbeknownst to Committee A, a rogue committee was formed from members of the previous committee. This committee, more interested in the badgers close association with mushrooms and certain reptiles, set down a path that would ultimately affect Committee A so severely that they would never see it coming. Committee A would be too engrossed in their discussion of store bought badgers, over the rare but delicious wild badger.

As the rogue committee put their plan into action, it seconded by an atom that was so absorbed in scoring with the chairperson, that they weren't aware of what they seconded. The atom was only hoping to impress the chairperson, but the chairperson was so wrapped up in their power as committee leader they didn't notice the affection beamed at them, and instead showed contempt.

Spurned by the chairpersons disinterest, the atom formulated a plan.

Down past the shoulder, and over the elbow he raced, until he came to the knuckle of the forefinger. Here he stopped for lunch.

After lunch he continued to the finger, and with a faint evil laugh exhumed his power on the finger, who enjoyed being confused, as a confused finger doesn't have to do much. The power gave the finger a purpose.

This triggered alarms throughout the neuron system. Alarms so loud that all talk of badgers, mushrooms and SNAKES was postponed. At least until the infernal racket could be disposed of.

As the finger, fuelled by a lover's scorn, raced towards the button, it descended with a faint click as the button was depressed.

He muttered to himself in an incomprehensible language as the world of mankind exploded in a muffled twang. The man stood, reeking of cologne, randomly twitching, and staring at the now depressed button. He had no idea what had just happened. “One hundred twenty eight megabyte” he mumbled, as he fell backwards over his chair.

**// This is the eddited version, a huge thanks to laurie for shifting thru my maddness and evening adding some of his own, thanks to all who read it //**


2 Remarks:

Blogger Laurie spewed forth...

ahhh.. now it makes sense!

12:02 PM  
Blogger Laurie spewed forth...

oh, and now with alternate ending!

12:02 PM  

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