
Blog monkeys that tried to quit smoking Lauries sweet sweet pole axe, But when faced with a stressfull situation threw caution to the wind in a cavelcade of sexual inhabitions and cheese went back to the fires of mount poon to light the infernal dick of cancer and loved every second of it.
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Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Glens day yesterday.

Well it started good, then went bad, then went good again.

Firstly woke up at 10:10am, which is quite late, i mean figgie is usualy drunk by then..
Then i trundeled down to the bus stop, and aparently walked up the wrong section..
because (this is where it starts to go bad) a qld tansport man came up and told me that for my own safety i wasnt aloowed to walk up that section of PUBLIC ROAD, when i greeted him with disdain, he informed me that it is also a $150 fine for walking on this PUBLIC ROAD, to which i changed my tune to a , oh my mistake i was not aware of this "rule" and i would endevour to not do it again (when there is a bunch of qld transport fuckwits standing about)

Anyway then i got on the bus, started to listen to faith no more on the nano, and read my book (i get off the bus at the last stop, eg the bus station under the mall...)

WELL to my surprise when i close my book and pay attention when the bus hits addelaide street and goes to the intersection where it would turn into the bus station, it tursn oppisite direction and goes over to southbank
its then that i remember the bus now stops at sth bank..

SO, after i walk BACK to the city (not far i know, but im a lazy uni student) and im on my way to Gp, i get acosted by a "homeless man" selling the big issue.
NOW u might wonder, why he was a "homeless man" and not a homeless man.
WELL this "homeless man" was wearing a fucking SUIT!!!!

dont get me wrong he was still the anoying, in your face, my poverty is your fault, kinda homeless man, but he was wearing a fucking suit!
and when i politley informed him that i wished not to partake in his copy of the big issue, (i was drinking a coke zero at the time) he proceeded to inform me that big big issue coes great with the coke zero as there was no sugar in both, or some such prat, i had already walked 2030 meters by the time he was still ranting at me.

Seriosuly the only time people buy the big issue is because they feel sorry for the dirty stinking homeless dude wearing 7 pairs of pants and patting his imaginary dog...
Well i dont know why this fucktard going me pissed off, but he did.
Anyway got to uni got a assingment back, got 6/7 for it, was very excited, then i went home.
That was my day.
That guy shat me off
Note to self, get off the bus before it goes over the fucking ann st bridge.
Thank you that is all.

4 Remarks:

Blogger Laurie spewed forth...

what happens if u put sugar in the big issue?

u shoulddo that next time and then smack him in the balls with it and steal his suit

11:50 AM  
Blogger McBain spewed forth...

knowning my luck it was proably woven from his pubic hair and soaked with urine...
but ill keep it in mind.

11:54 AM  
Blogger Alana spewed forth...

btw i so know that homless guy, i work on the sme street and he s so not homeless anymore

2:00 PM  
Blogger Laurie spewed forth...


heres the plan

next time you see him

smack him in the balls and steal his urine soaked pubic hair suit

9:15 AM  

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