Simple Math.
If Humans share 50% of their DNA with Bannana's, and something like 98% of their DNA with monkeys / apes, That makes all monkey / apes 50% canibals (as 50% of a bannana is that of a human) And for simplistic sake, we say 50% of the monkey / ape population are males, and 50% of the human population are male, that makes 50% of the monkey population homosexual canibals.
4 Remarks:
hmm i had to read that 4 times to even follow your gist there...
and somehow i don't believe your final 50% is correct...mathematically...i am no genius but i think that percentage should be a lot lower
interesting concept tho
50% of monkeys are male
50% of humans are male
50% of human DNA is equal to that of a bannana
All monkeys eat bannanas
Therfore 100% of the monkey race is 50% canabal.
Now if 50% of that canabal material(bananna) is male, there for 100% of the monkey race is eating 50% male human dna.
Therefore 50% of the monkey race is eating 50% male dna 50% of them are homosexual canabals..
cue lauries head exploding
Because I hit it with MY AXE.
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