
Blog monkeys that tried to quit smoking Lauries sweet sweet pole axe, But when faced with a stressfull situation threw caution to the wind in a cavelcade of sexual inhabitions and cheese went back to the fires of mount poon to light the infernal dick of cancer and loved every second of it.
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Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Uni, Creative Industires, and Email

One might presume that this post would cover those 3 things mentined in the title, but thats where u are wrong, im about to pull a jesus, or matrix which everone holds more cultural meaning to you. Basicly Macintosh computers are gay, now kens iboox is ok, as it doesnt fit into the regieme of the Mac osX, ok maybe i dont have a problem with the hardware of mac's, excpet their tiny tiny keyboards that my fat fingers cannot operate very well, or to a degree of efficiancy, but that is beside the point. OH YES i hate the mac mouse as well, anything that only has one button is gay and should be thrown in the bin in my books, im sorry but thats my stance on the matter, if a tv remote only had one button that would be a waste of time wouldnt it, i mean the only thing that could possible be good if it had one button would be the nuke St Pauls remote, where the remote is hooked up to a nuclear launch plant in which several nukes are either aimed at st pauls or certain st pauls teachers, or a bar for mrs camerons sake, the dirty wino, who just farted, sucks to be the poor fuck sitting next to me right now, hey buddy you enjoying that day old shepards pie? i know i am!!!

anyway just read nyes post of confusion, do we have a new desmo on our hans people
master of computers drinking and confusion

i forgot what i was talking about, but that doesnt matter as its written above me!
well im in a tute right about now, and if u want to look at something awesome visit tokyo plastics website!!!
soprry but there is this fucking faglord over the other side of this computer talking in the biggest fag voice known to man, i want to shoot him till he dies, the old navy wasy!!
right check this out
Check it out is fucking amazing
sure blew not only my mind but everything atached to it, which is not much
well tute starting time to learn some flash
suck it biatch
and also with the mac's, what the fuck is with the ctrl + c not comping
ohhhh sorry use the apple key
fuck u apple!!!

1 Remarks:

Blogger Pishnagambo spewed forth...

ok glen miester

Im going to let that apple joke slide cause im going to be erum well im going to be getting one of those apple do dads soon i think

i think

8:35 PM  

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