
Blog monkeys that tried to quit smoking Lauries sweet sweet pole axe, But when faced with a stressfull situation threw caution to the wind in a cavelcade of sexual inhabitions and cheese went back to the fires of mount poon to light the infernal dick of cancer and loved every second of it.
Meakin | Chirpy | Erin | Franga | Gerald | Lani | Glen's Image site | Gibbo | Shorty | Laurie |

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

A conversation on Nick and i could have.

*****In this conversation my msn name is currently set to "Glen - In mother Russia cheese puts u on a cracker!"

[08:05] Asian Burrito: Hai
[08:05] Asian Burrito: no it doesnt
[08:06] Asian Burrito: the cracker puts cheese on him and u on him
[08:06] Glen: thats the name for after lunch
[08:06] Glen: what about in mother russia cheese eats u?
[08:06] Glen: is that more politicaly corect to the cheese
[08:07] Asian Burrito : what about - in mother russia dogs are the sexetarys?
[08:07] Asian Burrito : or a nice big welcome to russia sign
[08:07] Asian Burrito : depicting a woman in a dildo instead of vice versa
[08:07] Glen: women IN a dildo
[08:07] Glen: i dont think i can do that with words
[08:08] Glen: in mother russia u put a woman in a dildo?
[08:08] Asian Burrito: sure
[08:08] Asian Burrito: a anal dildo
[08:09] Glen : in mother russia u put women in anal dildos
[08:09] Glen : nah man that just doesnt work

as u cans ee i dispatched a ambulence to his house imediately.
Well fuckers its been a very long time since i have blogged
HOW hypocritical of me.
At least my spelling is still terrible, so its safe to say the time spent away from blogging has been put to good use.
Ros and i finaily found a church, that wont make us do maraige counseling or sacrifice a goat to our good friend Jesus, actauly that last one didnt happen.
The eating healthy seems to be going well for ros, shes lost a bucket load of weight, not that she really needed to anyway, not to sure how its going for me, as i am not paranoid about it and not weighing my self every day. (one of the many reasons why we dont have scales in our house).
On another note i burnt my finger the other day removing tuna pasta bake from the over, OUCHY FUCKIGN OUCH OUCH!
Saturday night was pretty awesome, i mean we booked in at Montyzumers for dinner, as seems to be the norm, which is cool with me as i love a good hot long mexican burrito down my gullet, and it gets me more time with the special hot sauces....
Anyway we got there smack on time, and our table wasnt ready which kinda shitted me at first, but then we got half drunk, so it passed the time.
The sad thing was i was tipsy after 1, yess 1 corona. The man that drunk 12 of them at the xmas party, was half cut after 1....
So what better to go after a nice imported mexican beer?
Why a cocktail of course.
Of lordy, if u ever go to montys, check out the Madagasca's, its Kahluha, baileys, some other shit, milk and strawberry liquer.
Basicly a Toblereone with strawberry shit in it.
Which was fucking delicious
Also thanks to matt for drivving!
On another side note, sharmy hasnt apeared yet (thats a good thing, as we know when he comes back hes going to give everyone the latest flu thats been killing indians, in ...india), Wouldnt be surprised if he brings back some water borne diseases, just our luck!
Laurie frank and i played squash last night, and thankfully the dude next door wasnt going hand over fist to please himself, we must of been to early... Anyway im classing this hour of squash the squash of tomarto's.
After each match im not sure about my self, but i know laurie and frank looked like tomarto's, its only safe to assume i did as well.
Im not sure what it was, but seriously we were more fucked than we usualy after a game. It was terrible.
Well uni starts sometime in the near future... dont know when, im sure someone will ask where i was the first week and ill be like, FUCK uni has started.. Im orgainizezed!
Well i think im all blogged out, + im fucking tired and the baaaaarrroooooca didnt help me at all, i feel i have no bounce in me whatso ever.
I blame the carpet.
I found a pretty funny web comic the other day.
Called ctrlAltDelonline.com
pretty awesome
they have a story line then sometimes they go random.
Like so.
Random 1
Random 2
Random 3
Random 4
Random 5
those are some of the random ones...
Pretty fucking funny!
Well thats all there is for me at the moment.
Have a good time doing what ever it is u are doing.
Word to your mother!

1 Remarks:

Blogger Granite spewed forth...

Hey, can you shed some light on the "Everyone's pissed at Pish" saga? I don't need specific details, just curious as to what happened.

Mmm, burritos...

10:46 AM  

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