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Tuesday, August 24, 2004

AvP & The Village Reviews

Aliens Vs Predator.
This movie kicked ass.
Team of humans "find" some sort of pryamid in the ass end of antratica, which bears resembelances to aztec, egyptian, and cambodian style of building temples.
Team of humans inadverdantley "wake/release" the aliens from their slubmer (when did aliens ever sleep???) The predators are in some space ship and come down to the temple.
Now the temple is a sort fo Predator "Rights of Passage" temple, where the main goal is for the preds to awake the aliens, kick their asses revcieve their shoulder cannons, then kick some more aliens asses, then hand the aliens asses to them on a plate, by using their fancy knives and super boomerang / frisbie or spikes!
the humans that "find the temple" are basicly been lured there by the preds, as the face suckers need something to lay their filthy eggs in.
So the humans gett pretty pissed when they work that out, and take the shoulder cannons, except they dont realise they have shoulder canons, as the humans dont have shoulder cannon ports in their... shoulders.
Anyway there is the usualy fucking awesomeness of the preds being invisible as they lay havok to the humans that get in thier road, and of course hang them up by their feet so that other people run into them and go "ahh ahhh"
There is a most fucking of brilant scenes ever, then this human is walking along and then u see a gliny of a deadly garot that his face is about to walk into, then *shink* this guy is pulled up to a strangley death and only his gun remains!
which freaks the other humans out!
There is heaps on aliens second set of teeth coming out and fucking people / preds heads and busting sweet sweet green (for the preds) blood everywhere, and of course the spear gun to the shoulder is a nice touch.
Basicly if u loved the games, or even payed the games you will love this movie
the ending is cool, some might get a little anoyed at it, but i think its cool.
Some on told me they didnt like it cause their was no pred shoulder cannon action, and to those people i say, umm dude watch the movie again, and look out for the tell tail 3 laser pointer of death.

M. knight shalyiman.
I have never really liked this guys moives, i feel he makes it fucking piss scary then proceedes to show you the "bad thing" then the rest of the movie is a big let down.
Not to much like that in this movie, althou he has his reveal then let down section.
BUT it has the biggest kick ass twist EVOR, i doubt anyone could of picked this twist.
actualy there is 2 twists, 1 is failry easy to pick, and you go ha ha i have picked the twist, i am sexelent and all must Embrassez Mon Baton De Pain.
Then he goes(m. knight shalyiman) no, it is u who must Embrassez Mon Baton De Pain.
so yeah after the movie i had to embrace his bread stick.
It was cool i guess, but quite a few holes in it, kinda like with spider man , how did peter parker make some kick ass spider man suit with his granny's singer sewing machine.

My recomendations.
Aliens Vs Predator: See enjoy, go for the special effects, as the story line isnt TO complex, but it IS a AVP movie.
The Village: See, as i has some good shit your pants moments, and you get to see jaquine phionex stabbed like a mother fucker (always good in a movie).

1 Remarks:

Anonymous Anonymous spewed forth...

yessss... thats all well and good but do they have swords?

9:56 PM  

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