
Blog monkeys that tried to quit smoking Lauries sweet sweet pole axe, But when faced with a stressfull situation threw caution to the wind in a cavelcade of sexual inhabitions and cheese went back to the fires of mount poon to light the infernal dick of cancer and loved every second of it.
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Saturday, August 21, 2004

Laurie folded.

I do remember when Laurie and I used to read nye's blog and he said, nah i would never make one of those, cause when i see people then they would know what i had done and we would have nothing to talk about after we had gay sex.
Ok ok ok...
I may have made up a few things in the last sentence,
for instanc: he never said "nothing to talk about",
but the gay sex part is real
ok its not.
well anyway.
I agree whole farted, i mean heartedly,
(PS. On a side note everyone send their thoughts and gas mask's to lauire as i have some hideous and most potent gas today!) - GO Roz's Mums Potato BAKE!

Anyway beers, or bundy at uni is awesome, specialy when mixed with yellow fever.

I went to dick smith the other day for a coax cable to go from the dvd player to the amp of sexiness, so i could be running the dvd in proper 5.1 instead of stero simulated 5.1, which is shit!
And totoaly unfufilling, anyway the dumb fuck there was like well that will be at least 20 mins wait as i am retarded and dont know how to serve customers.
Anyway get fed up go find the cable im after trudge back to the counter when I purchase the cable of neededness, walk back to the car drive home, look more closely at the cable, realize that i have bought a video coax cable instead of a audio one, Good job glen (that one was my fault)
So i go back get the RIGHT cable, which was cheaper and tripple sheilded and had gold plated conections "for the best quality in signal transfer" and plug the fucker in,
And it doesnt work, to my dismay for some fucking stupid reason the dvd player will not pump 5.1 audio out of the digital coax cable slot.
I have no idea why, and its really starting to shit me.
I sure cant wait for dad to buy a dvd recorded so i can have his Pioneer super-uber sexy slimline dvd payer of multi progressional scan and awesomeness which actualy works, curse u teac-target dvd player.
Then to top everything off on my shity day at 2:30 i decide its time for me to leave home and go to uni, so off i chuff with my mobile, wallet, uni bag and no car keys out the front door, yes thats right, NO car keys.
Now our unit used to be break-in-able, cause when i left the keys at roz's parents house and they droped us at lou's 21st of fucking so much drinkiness, Anyway after ros and i were locked out of the house at 2 in the moring pissed of our heads pawing at the glass door hoping it would open magicly, we nearly broke in.
Ahh thats right we broke in a couple of days before cause I left my keys inside, anyway we managed to pry the 2 glass doors apart by me
pushing up + down + forward + 0 + x, and fire balling the door,
While ros did a Qtr Circle back + down + up + left + right + [] + triliangle to fly kick that fucker outa place,
Anyway we got in, then we deceided if WE could get in by using simple teken 3 moves someone using advanced Soul Calibur 2 moves would be able to combo in, in no time, So dowel was cut, and stuck in the tracks of the door so no bastad could sneak in and steal the amp and speakers.
Back To lou's Party ages ago:

We were making our own cocktails and i was drinking right from the blender. Fuck that party was aweseome, and it wasn't awesome for the free cocktails although that did add to the extra awesomeness, but lou hurling straight Southern Comfort after she was skulling the bottle like a mad bitch, and she paid the price.
Also lauire and i found a bizzare hole between the toilet and the garage....
Odd i know and it wasnt glory hole or anyting it was like 50x150 and like 2200 high up the wall, so it was this weird gap in the wall really high up, There must of been some potent smells eminating from that toilet.

Wow i sure got off track, let me pause a second and read what i was suposed to be talking about.
ah yes the dvd player.
no leaving my keys inside!
What the fuck am i talking about!
i love ozzie osbourne.

Anyway had to wait an hour for ros to come home and let me in so i could get my keys and go off to my interactivity tutorial, in which we used Macromedia Flash for like 5 mins then proceded to "story borad" FZero on the Game Cube, by story board i mean play it for an hour and a half and write shit in the board for 10 mins
no tests, only asingments and u make them on cool fun shit!
anyway Laurie has come in now so its time to start gassing him!

1 Remarks:

Blogger Pishnagambo spewed forth...

dah hahahahahah

11:57 AM  

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