My Fucking Awesome Weekend!
This last weekend has been one of the best weekends i have had in a LONG time.
Here are the run downs.
1.) Fireworks
2.) Free Parking and a awesome spot to see fire works
3.) Getting smashed at Gillhollies after fire works
4.) Nearly falling over and breaking my skull as we stagger home
5.) Disturbing a lady paying her respects to her dear husband and posible son
6.) Having a not so terrible hangover the next day
I think thats about it.
Although some of them might not be in chronalogical order, but im fairly sure they are, number 5 might freak you out so i will eventualy explain.
oh 7.) bought a new book about fedual japan and guys doing crouching tiger hidden dragon shit and cuting fuck threw other people!!!!
Saturday morning was quite bizzare, in that i didnt wake up before ros, usualy she will sleep to about 1 in the afternoon and i will sit idely reading of playing computer / watching a movie. Well it came 11 o'clock and i was still fast asleep and ros wakes me up and im like wtf has the world gone topsy turvey,
Anyway i worked out why i should not sleep past 9 am in the morning.
No matter how hot it is, i will be wrapped like a sausage roll in the blanket, usualy sweating like a pig.
So when i get woken from my cacoon covered in sweat, its usualy nasty
thats why the first decree is in place.
Glen shall not sleep beyond 9am unless it is -30 degrees inside the room.
Anyway we had to chuff off over to brookside, as ros had a bridesmaid fitting for some wedding she is brides maid for in november.
So ros went off to the meeting of girls and dresses and shoes and all that terrible crap and i sat in the car in the underground parking lot reading my book, getting lots of strange looks from passer bys.
This usualy would phase me at all, except at 2 and a half hours the most unthinkable happened. I finished my book.
It was nasty.
For those of you who might have not been to brookside, its a dead set grandma shopping centre. With only 1 remotely guy shop (EB) the rest is devoted to clothes, hair, shoes, and make up. Gastly i know!
anyway the fucks in EB were absalute rude pricks.
I thought they have even taken a course at the Luenburger school of rude bastads. (LSRB for short.)
Usualy at EB i feel a kind of contentment one feels when one knows is with his people.
These dumb rude fucks were quite insulting and rude as i asked a question about what this kick ass ninja game is, thats on the screen playing, as EB doesnt belive in signs that say anything less than "50% of all pre-owned games"
Fucking cunts.
The response i got was that it was called Red Star ninja or something, and that it wasn't out till novemebr, so why was i asking, and i was like well you are fucking advertising it why dont u let me show some interest in it, and when i asked for what platform it was on, the guys looked as if i had whipped out the elephant schlong and smacked them in their faces, and their mother's faces, and thier dead grandmother's faces and that all of the ladies had liked it and licked it, even the dead ones.
Right got a bit off track there, anyway its coming for xbox is i was quite relieved that i would be able to hire this game, load it on the xbox and never speak of the disc again, in fact i might even work out a way to rought EB of their 7 day satisfaction garuentee by buying it, then returing it as i hate them.
Anyway i was pissed off and still no word from ros, anyway about an hour later she calls me and says shes ready to go so i meet her in myers and i do belive the lord jesus rewarded me for being a nice boyfriend, as he showed me the name of the author of the book that i have been searcing for for a long time, needless to say books were purchesed ros was happy as she got a dress worth $275 and some shoes worth $80 for free, i was happy cause i got my new book and that we were leaving brookside.
Anyway , we journeyed home (wow thats spelt REAL bad)[not home the word before it] and then went over to Matt and Jills as that was out base of attack on the city for fireworks.
It was called operation fireworks. simple , and meaningfull.
Anyway need less to say trafic was shite but we took a ninja way there and we managed to have no trouble at all, it was even pleasant as we found where the lord stanley hotel is hidden and drove passed a kung fu academy, i shit u not!
We parked in the Mater car park and went to the top floor. Anyway there was like 100 other people up that but that didnt matter we had awesome seats, could see all of the fireworks above south bank, and could see 90% of the fireworks from the story bridge, but hey it was the same as the ones over south bank so either way it was fucking awesome.
The F1-11's came from right over our heads,
None of this, "see them then they fly over you", it was like wow look at the fireworks
wtf was that
as the planes fly about 3 metres above out heads and we feel the burn as the exhaust goes past, it was fucking aweosme!
And because ros works at the mater, the staff car parking card was used and it was free parking to top it off!
It was fucking awesome.
Also i had a sauseage in bread with onions, it was good to.
The trip home was also fucking fantastic as again ninja ways were utilized and we missed ALL of the trafic.
ALL of it, i saw one car and i threw ninja stars at it and it exploded, (Note: this might not of happened)
Anyway on the way home ros declares that she would like to go out.
Everyone goes, thats a fucking great idea, then we decided as the city will be packed and we arent really dressed for city outings we should go to matt and jills they can get changed then we should go to our house so ros can get changed. I, as usual was always ready to party and was properly equiped.
Chermo Gillhoolies was awesome not many people were there and we sat upstairs and enjoyed many drinks and not to much cigie smoke.
Well i had my first Jug of guiness, and as have not drunk it ever before i was weary.
Anyway gibbo bought the jug so i helped him devour it, then we had 2 more jugs of xxxx bitter and the girls drunk their funny premixed drinks, as girls do.
When Balieys and milk was purchased for the girls, they both had a quite large sip / gulp and both decided that the milk was off, so test dummy gibbo had a sip and was like wtf that shit is nasty.
So the girls went up to the bar as we continued to sink XXXX in rapid ...... drinky fassion.
As soon as the girls went to the bar, they were imediatley asked to go get security, so they trudged down the stairs as matt and i watched bemused and were shortly folowed by 4 security guards, which we found quite amusing, anyway the guards were called for a different matter completely but it was funny in our drunk hazzy minds.
We eventualy left, no idea at what time, and stumbled off home.
I nearly got hit by cars, twice, i think it was twice, having no regard for Autombiles, as i was walking and was drunk so i had right of way, they stopped as i knew they would.
Does everyone know The old church that is across the road from westfileds??
It has a small brick wall, which i deceided i could jump on, and i did, cept fell straight back off, managed to land on my feet but it was a very close - "one hundred and twenty eight megabyte exprience" - call (laurie will know what the fuck i am talking about) anyway somehow yellow flowers were picked and i had one in my ear as we walked home, Jill ripped Matt's flower off (im not sure if that is a metafore for anything) then all he had was the stem of his flower, whcih was named "the lingering infection".
Not sure why, this is all very drunk hazzy for me, so if it makes no sense drink a lot of beer, then read again.
Promise's of lasagna were made- (you know when you are really drunk you have the strangest hungers, Leccute and youghurt, My favorite!!) , then when we finaly got home we decided not to have it, but i ate some biscuits which were delicious.
Sunday morning i woke up nice and early, as is the glen way, drunk fuck loads of water then read my book till ros woke up a couple of hours later.
Sunday was torture as we went shoping and ros found her "green thumb" and i sat on a bag of feralizer while she decided which seeds she wished to plant.
Then sat on a bag of dogfood while she worked out which pot she wanted to buy.
Then sat on a bench while she decided which hanging basket to buy, then when there was nothing to sit on at "de pot man" i wandered around looking at the funny chinese garden ornaments.
I wonder if golemfrom LOTR was high in the chinese myth's as he was featured quite heavily, or maybe "de pot man" just cashed in on the golem bandwagon.
Anyway we went home ros planeted seeds and i read my awesome book.
- This book is fucking awesome i love it and cant wait to finish it, only to read the 2nd one in the series and the the 3rd -
Also ken you still have those books you took down to sydney a couple of months ago,
Anyway we went out to my olds place to give mum her birthday present on sunday arvo and looked at a pet shop (refer nyes blog for metallica mobile sightings) then stoped at a few churces to check them out, and in-advernadtley disturbed a lady paying homage or just visiting her husband and son (both dead) although she had a cool boxer dog, it was alive.
Sorry lady, although i doubt u read my blog, but if u do, you have a cool dog.
Sunday night we went to coffee club for dinner and i ate a pizza as was my want, bbq chicken, it was fucking awesome.
So for a weekend when i should of really done my KIB808 assingment, due friday worth 40% of the overall grade, and i havent started, but it was a good weekend never the less.
Here are the run downs.
1.) Fireworks
2.) Free Parking and a awesome spot to see fire works
3.) Getting smashed at Gillhollies after fire works
4.) Nearly falling over and breaking my skull as we stagger home
5.) Disturbing a lady paying her respects to her dear husband and posible son
6.) Having a not so terrible hangover the next day
I think thats about it.
Although some of them might not be in chronalogical order, but im fairly sure they are, number 5 might freak you out so i will eventualy explain.
oh 7.) bought a new book about fedual japan and guys doing crouching tiger hidden dragon shit and cuting fuck threw other people!!!!
Saturday morning was quite bizzare, in that i didnt wake up before ros, usualy she will sleep to about 1 in the afternoon and i will sit idely reading of playing computer / watching a movie. Well it came 11 o'clock and i was still fast asleep and ros wakes me up and im like wtf has the world gone topsy turvey,
Anyway i worked out why i should not sleep past 9 am in the morning.
No matter how hot it is, i will be wrapped like a sausage roll in the blanket, usualy sweating like a pig.
So when i get woken from my cacoon covered in sweat, its usualy nasty
thats why the first decree is in place.
Glen shall not sleep beyond 9am unless it is -30 degrees inside the room.
Anyway we had to chuff off over to brookside, as ros had a bridesmaid fitting for some wedding she is brides maid for in november.
So ros went off to the meeting of girls and dresses and shoes and all that terrible crap and i sat in the car in the underground parking lot reading my book, getting lots of strange looks from passer bys.
This usualy would phase me at all, except at 2 and a half hours the most unthinkable happened. I finished my book.
It was nasty.
For those of you who might have not been to brookside, its a dead set grandma shopping centre. With only 1 remotely guy shop (EB) the rest is devoted to clothes, hair, shoes, and make up. Gastly i know!
anyway the fucks in EB were absalute rude pricks.
I thought they have even taken a course at the Luenburger school of rude bastads. (LSRB for short.)
Usualy at EB i feel a kind of contentment one feels when one knows is with his people.
These dumb rude fucks were quite insulting and rude as i asked a question about what this kick ass ninja game is, thats on the screen playing, as EB doesnt belive in signs that say anything less than "50% of all pre-owned games"
Fucking cunts.
The response i got was that it was called Red Star ninja or something, and that it wasn't out till novemebr, so why was i asking, and i was like well you are fucking advertising it why dont u let me show some interest in it, and when i asked for what platform it was on, the guys looked as if i had whipped out the elephant schlong and smacked them in their faces, and their mother's faces, and thier dead grandmother's faces and that all of the ladies had liked it and licked it, even the dead ones.
Right got a bit off track there, anyway its coming for xbox is i was quite relieved that i would be able to hire this game, load it on the xbox and never speak of the disc again, in fact i might even work out a way to rought EB of their 7 day satisfaction garuentee by buying it, then returing it as i hate them.
Anyway i was pissed off and still no word from ros, anyway about an hour later she calls me and says shes ready to go so i meet her in myers and i do belive the lord jesus rewarded me for being a nice boyfriend, as he showed me the name of the author of the book that i have been searcing for for a long time, needless to say books were purchesed ros was happy as she got a dress worth $275 and some shoes worth $80 for free, i was happy cause i got my new book and that we were leaving brookside.
Anyway , we journeyed home (wow thats spelt REAL bad)[not home the word before it] and then went over to Matt and Jills as that was out base of attack on the city for fireworks.
It was called operation fireworks. simple , and meaningfull.
Anyway need less to say trafic was shite but we took a ninja way there and we managed to have no trouble at all, it was even pleasant as we found where the lord stanley hotel is hidden and drove passed a kung fu academy, i shit u not!
We parked in the Mater car park and went to the top floor. Anyway there was like 100 other people up that but that didnt matter we had awesome seats, could see all of the fireworks above south bank, and could see 90% of the fireworks from the story bridge, but hey it was the same as the ones over south bank so either way it was fucking awesome.
The F1-11's came from right over our heads,
None of this, "see them then they fly over you", it was like wow look at the fireworks
wtf was that
as the planes fly about 3 metres above out heads and we feel the burn as the exhaust goes past, it was fucking aweosme!
And because ros works at the mater, the staff car parking card was used and it was free parking to top it off!
It was fucking awesome.
Also i had a sauseage in bread with onions, it was good to.
The trip home was also fucking fantastic as again ninja ways were utilized and we missed ALL of the trafic.
ALL of it, i saw one car and i threw ninja stars at it and it exploded, (Note: this might not of happened)
Anyway on the way home ros declares that she would like to go out.
Everyone goes, thats a fucking great idea, then we decided as the city will be packed and we arent really dressed for city outings we should go to matt and jills they can get changed then we should go to our house so ros can get changed. I, as usual was always ready to party and was properly equiped.
Chermo Gillhoolies was awesome not many people were there and we sat upstairs and enjoyed many drinks and not to much cigie smoke.
Well i had my first Jug of guiness, and as have not drunk it ever before i was weary.
Anyway gibbo bought the jug so i helped him devour it, then we had 2 more jugs of xxxx bitter and the girls drunk their funny premixed drinks, as girls do.
When Balieys and milk was purchased for the girls, they both had a quite large sip / gulp and both decided that the milk was off, so test dummy gibbo had a sip and was like wtf that shit is nasty.
So the girls went up to the bar as we continued to sink XXXX in rapid ...... drinky fassion.
As soon as the girls went to the bar, they were imediatley asked to go get security, so they trudged down the stairs as matt and i watched bemused and were shortly folowed by 4 security guards, which we found quite amusing, anyway the guards were called for a different matter completely but it was funny in our drunk hazzy minds.
We eventualy left, no idea at what time, and stumbled off home.
I nearly got hit by cars, twice, i think it was twice, having no regard for Autombiles, as i was walking and was drunk so i had right of way, they stopped as i knew they would.
Does everyone know The old church that is across the road from westfileds??
It has a small brick wall, which i deceided i could jump on, and i did, cept fell straight back off, managed to land on my feet but it was a very close - "one hundred and twenty eight megabyte exprience" - call (laurie will know what the fuck i am talking about) anyway somehow yellow flowers were picked and i had one in my ear as we walked home, Jill ripped Matt's flower off (im not sure if that is a metafore for anything) then all he had was the stem of his flower, whcih was named "the lingering infection".
Not sure why, this is all very drunk hazzy for me, so if it makes no sense drink a lot of beer, then read again.
Promise's of lasagna were made- (you know when you are really drunk you have the strangest hungers, Leccute and youghurt, My favorite!!) , then when we finaly got home we decided not to have it, but i ate some biscuits which were delicious.
Sunday morning i woke up nice and early, as is the glen way, drunk fuck loads of water then read my book till ros woke up a couple of hours later.
Sunday was torture as we went shoping and ros found her "green thumb" and i sat on a bag of feralizer while she decided which seeds she wished to plant.
Then sat on a bag of dogfood while she worked out which pot she wanted to buy.
Then sat on a bench while she decided which hanging basket to buy, then when there was nothing to sit on at "de pot man" i wandered around looking at the funny chinese garden ornaments.
I wonder if golemfrom LOTR was high in the chinese myth's as he was featured quite heavily, or maybe "de pot man" just cashed in on the golem bandwagon.
Anyway we went home ros planeted seeds and i read my awesome book.
- This book is fucking awesome i love it and cant wait to finish it, only to read the 2nd one in the series and the the 3rd -
Also ken you still have those books you took down to sydney a couple of months ago,
Anyway we went out to my olds place to give mum her birthday present on sunday arvo and looked at a pet shop (refer nyes blog for metallica mobile sightings) then stoped at a few churces to check them out, and in-advernadtley disturbed a lady paying homage or just visiting her husband and son (both dead) although she had a cool boxer dog, it was alive.
Sorry lady, although i doubt u read my blog, but if u do, you have a cool dog.
Sunday night we went to coffee club for dinner and i ate a pizza as was my want, bbq chicken, it was fucking awesome.
So for a weekend when i should of really done my KIB808 assingment, due friday worth 40% of the overall grade, and i havent started, but it was a good weekend never the less.
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