
Blog monkeys that tried to quit smoking Lauries sweet sweet pole axe, But when faced with a stressfull situation threw caution to the wind in a cavelcade of sexual inhabitions and cheese went back to the fires of mount poon to light the infernal dick of cancer and loved every second of it.
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Monday, September 06, 2004

The giant toilet flushing.

For some unknown reason some giant has taken to flushing his giant and mighty toilet out the back at work.
I think it might actualy be corregated iron getting moved but from where i sit, to where he shits, the noise is anoying to the MAX, like geralds sleazy italians after they have just seen rocky trying to get up his skirt....
Anyway i seem to have made the giant stop flushing now, that must of been one hell of a floater, but as poo only floats when you have eaten a lot of fatty foods, giants must eat a lot of fat, but i do belive giants eat mostly humans, fat ones it seems....
Anyway my weekend was pretty cool, tested out the sexy sexy speakers of doom, on some cool movies, also some shit ones.....
The cool one (for souround sound anyway) urban legend, as i had never seen this movie and it has lots of axe's to the heads and stuff like that it was pretty coool, specialy cause i had a rear speaker right next to my head...
Simone the one with al pacino in it, it was pretty cool, mainly for the idea of an actor being replaced by a computer character, thats kinda up my alley, ros fell asleep in it, so that might say some thing about it.
Ice age, already seen beofre, but not with big stompy bassy bassy subwoofer goodness.
Dhamer the canibal CRAP CRAP CRAP.
suposed to be about the american serial killer, was loosely based around his child hood, and about him going to gay bars drugging guys and fucking them in the bum, it would seem.
Also he worked in a chocalate factory, wonder if he worked in the fudge packing section?
Anyway that was firday ngiht, also pizza was stuffed in there for good measure.
saturday we decided to go down the coast for a shop / drive, and got hailed on on the highway, so we took the first exit and went to garden city instead.
That place is a nightmare of nooks and crannys, filled to the brim with granny's.
Sat night ate another pizza, cept this one had evry kind of animal on it, plus a whole lot of spicey misspelled jeallipions. as i said they were misspelled, by me.
Sunday went to the old mans for lunch, which we went to the samford pub, and he and i got half a brontasarus each, u know on the flinstones when that dumb scrag brings out a side of dinosaur for the guy in the car to eat and puts it on the side of the car, and the car falls over, well that was basicly what we were served up.
It was awesome!!!
Then we went to rozzies parents place for more food, of which i couldnt eat, and brad and i spent the rest of the night trying to destroy each others cars in V8 supercars.
Twas a good weekend by all accounts, not as good as last weekend,
but i didnt post a 50 hour long post like last weekend, as you fuckers couldnt be bothered to read my novels.

3 Remarks:

Anonymous Anonymous spewed forth...

Oh Glen I would have to disagree. I am stuck in bed feeling extremely sorry for myself and have mucho time to read your blogs of long-winded rantiness. So feel free to post whatever you like, and be sure you have at least one novel-reader, at least until i go back to work tomorrow anyway. Lana

9:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous spewed forth...

"poo only floats when you have eaten a lot of fatty foods, giants must eat a lot of fat, but i do belive giants eat mostly humans, fat ones it seems...."

looks like i'm in trouble then...
better be on the lookout for giants.

*beware there be gaints here yarr*

4:03 PM  
Blogger McBain spewed forth...

Yeah ginats i sent in order to retrieve my dvd...

8:26 AM  

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