
Blog monkeys that tried to quit smoking Lauries sweet sweet pole axe, But when faced with a stressfull situation threw caution to the wind in a cavelcade of sexual inhabitions and cheese went back to the fires of mount poon to light the infernal dick of cancer and loved every second of it.
Meakin | Chirpy | Erin | Franga | Gerald | Lani | Glen's Image site | Gibbo | Shorty | Laurie |

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Digital Illusions..

This blew my mind.
I must have one.
Lawnrice and my self built one this morning, well i built it and he watched.
I am the dragon Master!
This thing is fucking awesome
Everyone go to their website, and download the picture, cut the fucker out, then sticky tape it together sit back and have your mind blown by many many things...

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