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Monday, February 07, 2005

Byron Bay.

My good people.
Ros and i took a trip to Byron bay on saturday, and it was awesome.
We didnt know how long it was going to take us, but it was only like 2 hrs from chermo, so we think we either made good time, or we were speeding.
I love NSW's regard for people speeding in cars.
200m's away from the fixed speed camera "SPEED CAMERA AHEAD!!!"
100m's away "SLOW DOWN NOW!!!! SPEED CAMERA!!!"
50m's away "STOP NOW FUCKER!!!!"
i thought it was awesome i mean u spped between the signs, then slow dow for the easy to see camera, then speed up again...
Anyway the 'Bay was awesome!
As ros and i had never been we had a fucking awesome time.
We did all the shops, and that was cool, accidently went into the adult shop, which we figured was a adult shop when we say the blow up jLo dolls and ros spotted dildos in the far corner...
Dont u need to have signs and stuff up saying "I am a adult shop"
anyway we had lunch at this place under og breath, some word with J rocks cafe, or JRC for short, which was nice but they had some good awful salad seasoning on the ..... salad, which kinda ruined the BLT.
We went to the beach which was fucking awesome, there were hardly any waves, i counted like 3 the whole hour or so that we are at the beach, which was aweosme for just lazing about in the water.
And we saw dolphins jumoing outa the water, seaworld style, so that was cool.
All in all it was a fucking awesome day.
Sunday we went to dave millers bbq lunch which was alright, mellic and i spent the whole time playing 8ball and then 9-ball which was cool, cept we both suck, well as we had no beers we had no fuel for the pool love machines, well that sounds odd...
Anyway after that we went to matt and jills for sunday dinner, which consisted of taco's, which althou not a. healthy, or b. a typical sunday dinner, it was fucking delicious!
So really not a super exciting weekend, but saturday was really nice.
If anyone hasnt gone to byron before, like we hadn't, please do so its really nice!

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