
Blog monkeys that tried to quit smoking Lauries sweet sweet pole axe, But when faced with a stressfull situation threw caution to the wind in a cavelcade of sexual inhabitions and cheese went back to the fires of mount poon to light the infernal dick of cancer and loved every second of it.
Meakin | Chirpy | Erin | Franga | Gerald | Lani | Glen's Image site | Gibbo | Shorty | Laurie |

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Hark! the fallen angels sing
watch glen wear his coat of sin.

Not sure why i have a coat of sin, but those 2 lines have been rolling round in my head for the past couple of days.
A sin coat would be cool!
Sounds like i shall make a image in honour of the Sin Coat!
Stay tuned for updates while i get bored and realise thats to fucking hard to do and ultimatley not do it.

Monday, July 25, 2005

A cool technique im trying to master.

Quite hard to do with digital media tho.
Textured Text

I like to call it texturized text.

Either way its cool.

You might notice that in the "gay pirate" image (thank you laurie...) that there is text smushed into the background...
If i can texturize the text then it might work better...
We shall see.

Friday, July 22, 2005

National Talk Like Sean Connery Weekend

YOU know u want to!

I have decided to try and talk like sean connery starting from......NOW
Which is goping to be hard laddy, cause i need to go into queens plazza and hang up evacuation plans

This cracks me up!

Everytime i see this it makes me laugh! (god bless u Something Awful)

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Is this the un-timely death of sharmy? Lets hope SO!

[09:46] Glen: chris and craig on tripple J, are doing "renovation Robbie", where they are doing all sorts of dumb shit to Robbie Bucks desk while he is away, gluing pens and pencis to the draws and dumb shit like that, we should do a Renovation Sharmy, and glue all sorts of curry based things to his desk
[09:46] Glen: or not
[09:46] Glen: that might be easier
[09:47] Laurie: ahaha
[09:47] Laurie: just glue a sword to his chair so when he sits down he dies


Monday, July 18, 2005

Hey Sweet thing!

Well boys and girls thought i should do an actualy post, before i putmyself on either the occasional bloggers, or the dreaded loosers section....
So yeah
This weekend saw the wedding of Karla and Dave, which was quite a nice wedding, the cerermony was good, and i was dreading it was gunna be a really long, priase the lord wedding... which would of sucked giant Jesus.
So yeah ceremony was quite nice, then we had some time to kill,
Oh i forgot to mention, i gto from Franks / Lauries / Geralds / Nye's house to the church in 9 mins..
Whcih saw me alledgeldy hitting 120km/hr on webster rd, 60km's/hr over the speed limit... alledgedly...
Anyway heres a visual discription...
The squgly line was path the might metallica mobile took, on the first stage of the "Wedding Rally"

So yeah, i was quite impressed with my rally skills.
Thank you colin MaCrae Rally 2005....
So yeah wedding was good then the reception was at the bardon centre, but we had some time to kill so we went to the coffe club at aspely first..
One end of the table ordered beers, or 2 x beers in meakins case, the other end ordered hot chocolate and ice mocca coffes and other wanky fucking bull shit.
(one end was ros, meaky, figgie, and myself. The other end was lauren elston, smita, andy yip, david jackson, allison schuber...)
So yeah guess which end was drinking the beer.
Anyway off we coffed after that..
Oh With Action Jackson reversing into a car while trying to leave no less, AND NOT STOPING TO SEE IF THERE WAS ANY DAMMAGE.....
Fuck me....
Anyway meaking and yipster got lost...
no surprise..
Reception was nice, food was shit.
Table company was..... hmm.... well...
ok it was crap.
Meakin was with his good mates Sean Van dyke, Shane abrahams, and little marky hanson the jew, (read with so much sarcasm its salty....)
So yeah meaking was hating his life and proceeding to give marky so much shit about not being able to grow a beard, and abrahams was sitting there thinking about little boys, i assume.
Figgie got a good table with melik and yipster and some other schmucks, but they put away a truck load of booze, so they were roaring drunk and having a ball.
My table consisted of the afore mentioned people at the coffee club..
I contemplated killing my self..
my god
Fucking seriously....
Anyway i had a good chat with paul winters, who is working as a software enginneer for IBM down the coast, and having a ball.
I dodged talking to Danni begg alnight, and laffed at jennings when dani caught the bocae (or how ever u spell it..)
Oh and i was disgusted that one of the groomsmen toasted the bride and groom with a glass of water, when he had a glass of champagne.
I mean if u dont want to drink, then thats your progative, i mean miller doesnt drink, but he still toasted with champagne, even had a sip, and good on him i say, but to toast with a glass of water.
fuk me
shit like that makes me angry, if anyone fucking toasts me or anyone at my wedding ill personaly throw u into the river!
But yeah it was a good night, and those 2 (karla and dave) are retarded for each other, so good one them i say!
Anyway figgie was fucking trashed (surprise there) and yelling all sorts of obnoxious shit as we were driving him to franga's keg....
then we rolled him out of the car after he was giving me terrible directions for about 20 mins...
Anyway got figgie out, drove off, got a call he left his wallet in the car, took it back...
droped meaky baby home,
Went to Jama's engagdetment party, it was nice, and a taste of whats to come in paris at the end of the year (fucking freeeeezing.....)
So yeah good night.
when we got home, ros got sick from the bizzare food they had at the wedding, seriosuly i had like a chicken danish... twas bizzare...
So yeah got to bed at 6am...
woke up at 9am when the sun invaded and annexed the bedroom,
Curse u america-sun!
anyway got a good nights sleep last night, the rest is broing.
Cheese out!

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

New sword = Glen happy!

Brad got me a new sword from the gift fair yesterday, praise him!
Its an authentic NON LICENCED Kill Bill Sword, or as the label would have me belive Kil Fil
Hahaha I love the way they get around copyright..
Its fucking long as well, maybe about 110cm's....
Has the Hanzo Hortari symbol on the start of the blade as well (if u have no idea what im talking about, watch kill bill 1 & 2....)
So yeah go me, now im even more Dangerous...
3 x swords + 1 Uber Dagger..
Also i found a place that sells 1300ad style crosbows....

Friday, July 08, 2005

Blow your mind...

Let me blow your mind.

another one here

Florida Man Charged With Stealing Wi-Fi Signal

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. -- Police have arrested a man for using someone else's wireless Internet network in one of the first criminal cases involving this fairly common practice.
Benjamin Smith III, 41, faces a pretrial hearing this month following his April arrest on charges of unauthorized access to a computer network, a third-degree felony.
Police say Smith admitted using the Wi-Fi signal from the home of Richard Dinon, who had noticed Smith sitting in an SUV outside Dinon's house using a laptop computer.
The practice is so new that the Florida Department of Law Enforcement doesn't even keep statistics, according to the St. Petersburg Times, which reported Smith's arrest this week.
Innocuous use of other people's unsecured Wi-Fi networks is common. But experts say that illegal use often goes undetected, such as people sneaking on others' networks to traffic in child pornography, steal credit card information and send death threats.
Security experts say people can prevent such access by turning on encryption or requiring passwords, but few bother or even know how to do so.

Wi-Fi, short for Wireless Fidelity, has enjoyed prolific growth since 2000. Millions of households have set up wireless home networks that allow people to use the Web from their backyards but also reach the house next door or down the street.

Prosecutors declined to comment, and a working phone number could not be located for Smith.


Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Ros Quote of the night.

I didnt get a fucking batman box, i got a fucking batman plastic bag!!!

ehehe u swear at the tv baby!