
Blog monkeys that tried to quit smoking Lauries sweet sweet pole axe, But when faced with a stressfull situation threw caution to the wind in a cavelcade of sexual inhabitions and cheese went back to the fires of mount poon to light the infernal dick of cancer and loved every second of it.
Meakin | Chirpy | Erin | Franga | Gerald | Lani | Glen's Image site | Gibbo | Shorty | Laurie |

Friday, July 14, 2006

Oh My i Vant one of these!!!

What looks to be a cd is a touch screen lcd that displays the album art and spins it around, just like a good ole record player...


Oh Snap!!

Well while scrolling thru my good old friend GizModo, i came across, well more likely they posted this..
How Not to get gizmodo to do your job

basicly this person seems to be a reporter and told gizmodo to do his job for him..
To which they repluied with a giant get fucked..
Have a look, tis quite humerous!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Do you Magumbo?

Im currently print-screening photoshop windows, while in photoshop, to consturct photoshop training materials, on how to use photoshop.
What a mouthfull..
Cue all the "your mothers a mouthfull", and "Ill give you a mouthfull" and "Ill give your mother a mouthfull" and "Ill give your mothers mouth a mouthfull" etc etc..

Kind regards

Monday, July 10, 2006

A evening of sms's..

Well saturday night saw the wedding of 2 people..
It also saw the wedding of glen and some delicious red wine..
The following is the transcripts of the sms's...

To: Laurie
Im gunna get smoo ducking drunk tonight my homely homely man. Ill turn beer into urine, Jesus style!

To: Frank
Oh my god Frank, Glen fell off his chair trashed!! nearly into the fire place and it was only seven at night. kill me! (sent by ros)

To: Frank
I am the magout.. Are you.. I am using someone else's camera. I dont even no who's?...

To: Frank
I am the drunkest... Hows unki reg? is he telling the black's what to do?? (long running joke...)

To: Frank
Ihey Buddy thbols for answering.. Have a good night taki to you tomorrony..

Also at 11:50pm i got this msg from laurie.
Fucki maggot mog this is so har to Type!!


Good night had by all.
So turns out i fell off my chair, took 240 photos on my camera and about 60 or so on someone elses (have no idea who..)
Only took 2 photos of the roof on my camera (who knows how many on the otherpersons..)

Ahhh i also took photos of the craziest mullet ever built..
i shall bring said mullet photos in..
Mullet that hangs over the back of a vest..
Oh god it was hideous

Hideously funny!!

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Today the day of flying water thingos..

First off.
Theres the remote controlled flying boat..
Flying boat u say? well is it a boat, or a plane?
Well its both..
Also it can drive around on grass and other smooth surfaces..
Flying Boat?

If the flying boat isnt big enough..
Check this out..
I saw those in bcf the otherday..
I had no idea how fantasticly cool they were..
I was living a lie


Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Go Arabia!!

Well this morning in a fit of passion for the Qu'ran(probably spelt wrong..) and the 80's I decided to translate "Ahh the 80's how can i stay mad at you"
Which came out as ...

"أهّ ال 80 كيف أستطيع أنا يبقون مجنونة في أنت ؟"

Translated back to english, and you get..

"'ahh the 80 how I can stays crazy in you?"

How indeed!

Monday, July 03, 2006

My Muse.

Its a new day, Its a new month, its a new CAP, and im feeeeling goooooooooddd...