
Blog monkeys that tried to quit smoking Lauries sweet sweet pole axe, But when faced with a stressfull situation threw caution to the wind in a cavelcade of sexual inhabitions and cheese went back to the fires of mount poon to light the infernal dick of cancer and loved every second of it.
Meakin | Chirpy | Erin | Franga | Gerald | Lani | Glen's Image site | Gibbo | Shorty | Laurie |

Monday, March 05, 2007

What would yours be?

You know how theres that set of anon quotes that go like
"Sign like no one can hear u"
& "Dance like no one is watching..."

Well i made my own up.
"Fuck like the cameras turned on"

What would yours be?

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Guys get it, Pre-op girls get it as well, Post-op do not.

[14:12] Dean: i sat down before
[14:12] Dean: on my nuts
[14:12] Dean: and it hurt

Happy birthday dean.