
Blog monkeys that tried to quit smoking Lauries sweet sweet pole axe, But when faced with a stressfull situation threw caution to the wind in a cavelcade of sexual inhabitions and cheese went back to the fires of mount poon to light the infernal dick of cancer and loved every second of it.
Meakin | Chirpy | Erin | Franga | Gerald | Lani | Glen's Image site | Gibbo | Shorty | Laurie |

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Let me set the scene for you.
9:15, The phone rings, Mel answers it...
Puts the caller on hold and the rest is history.

Laurie: fucken idiot mel

Laurie: uh ive got a james for u

Laurie: thanks mel!

Laurie: ill take him and keep him as my own

Glen: funnist thing u have ever said

Monday, May 30, 2005

Can you chaps let me know what you think of my site?

Glens site
What do u think of the text at the front, and also on the black background?
i like it it samurai designs, but its hard to read when it says architectual renderings and so forth?

Cause you can't see tits on the radio!!

Well blog monkeys,
today was a joyus day, well not really joyus, it was good cause i got another 7 for a ssinment, admitadley the assingment was for the easy peasy subject, but hey a 7's and 7 in my book.
And nuts to the rest of u.
I went for a fucking Uber ride yesterday with brad, twas good, into the bush at the back of their place, then up some fucking super painfull hill, then ofcourse down the otherside, only to be greated with YET ANOTHER HILL.
Needless to say
Hills = 1
Glen = Dead
Twas a noble death tho.
Happy birthday to gerald and all his glory.
Hope it was a good night at the akbar on satdy.
On friday night frank and i decided to do some free weigts, i thik thats what its called, the one where u bench press and watch the veins in franks head try and burst thru his skull to acclaim freedom from the oppression of his skull and all its foul teachings...
Either that or he is unfit.
Not that any of that matters to MY arms...
Actualy my arms arent to bad, its my fucking underarms that copped a fierce punch to the groin.
Still hurt they do, in need of force powers i was.
speak like yoda, no more i shall.
SO yeah arms still a bit sore, but frank said they were supposed to hurt, so thats good i guess.
And of course my legs hurt from the devil ride yesterday arvo.
All in all im feeling good, albit in constant pain.
A good pain tho!
Only thru fear & pain can the dark side be revealed for its true nature.
Anyway my little fucktards im pretty much out of shit to say.....
So heres a storm trooper on the toilet.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Like my new Avatar?

Watch that puppy dance!

Did u know?

The word ''Maroon'' can have the following meanings:
Maroon is a color mixture composed of brown and purple.
A Maroon was a runaway slave in the Caribbean.
A maroon is a loud type of rocket.
Well u do know!

Out of requests,

I hate to bludger you guys into visiting my other site, call it cross promtional links, but im out of requests, please post some more, u know u want to my goodly monkeys!

Nicks quote of the week

I know i am doing alot of these lately, but everyone seems to be on fire!!

This is a corker from nick

"[14:08] Asian Burrito : if u get home and im naked on ure doorstep dont throw me out, show me the love i need"

fucking funny!

Franks quote of the week

"[10:09] Frank -=[Mr Fusion]=-: i bought 25 chicken schnitzels last night..they loked at me funny"

indeed they would of!
Well my little todgers im back, for a proper post, to let some light in on the bizzare dog timepiece phenonomen that most people dismiss as a myth, as well as the mesterious wassbi cheese, as it not is as matt sugested, 50% wassabi + 50% cheese + 2% wax.....
Ass there was no wax on it at all!
According to here The unusual colour is due to some "leaf" i know i have had a unusual colour before from some "leaf", Bacl sabbath even wrote a song about it called "sweet leaf" Ahh ozzy u my bitch!
In other news i was typing a assingment in Office 97 (Old school word!) and do u know it didnt know that website was a word, it was fine with web site, but joining them well, poor old school spell check didnt know what to make of it...
Also it has been decreed, by me, that i use informal language to much, as when ever i needed to write "you" in the formal document i cept writing "u" which of course Office 97 has no troubles it...
U fine... Website, oh ho ho not on my watch soilder!
Well i have about 4 thousand assinments due in like 2 weeks
got a major animation to make (10 secs in length) due next friday
a website due next thrusday (fucking EASY!!!)
and a essay to write, which i have no idea about what, only 1500 words tho.
Goal for website and essay, to get 7's, only so i can get a overall 7 in that easy easy subject, cause it was pretty easy.
Like the exam i had yesterday, my lord, took like 10 mins, lets hope i pass.
Also i was parked in a loading zone....
Didnt get a ticket tho, probably cause they feared my leet word 97 skills.
Ros has been doing graveyard shifts which makes everyone tired.
On a another meandering sub tropical note, Saturday night was good, went to SBH to wish farwell to Tim McConaghie and Tara, one of the nurses ros works with, she was going to another hospitable, tim, another country.
farwell to both.
Also has anyone ever got a sms from ros?
She is terrible with no full stops or any punctuations
a message inviting some one to the movies could be this
"hey blank you wa
na come to the mo
vies on saturday
to see movie b i
cant go on frid
ays cause i have
a sore toe that
is glens fault c
ause he urinated
on the pillow th
at my toe was on
and it was gross"
or some shit like that
well that one still made sense, but some of the shit i see her type is fucking illegible, and this is coming from ME!!!!

hey everyone get a hold of the scisor sisters cd, its cool, cept the return to Oz track, tis odd.
Peace out.
Oh an update about franks schnitzels,
[10:11] Frank -=[Mr Fusion]=-: i said gimme 20..they said are you sure..i said yeah...oh youre right gimme 25...man got a real funny look from them"
Ha ha!

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Wasabi cheese

Would u like to know more?

My dog is a time piece

More on that later!

Tims Quote of the week.

While listening to the new Audioslave CD last night, tim remarks "i had a good nikko like that once, Tom Morrello stole it tho...."
Tom morrello for thos of u who dont know is the lead guitarist for audioslave and used to be the lead gutarist of RATM.
Just the way he said it tho
i had a pen , it was awesome, then tom morrello stole it...
Its true as well....
Well it was funnier last night.
Just remember, i hate you all

Monday, May 16, 2005

Funnist thing written on a toilet door.

HAHAH s block toilets at qut.
"Man created alcahol
God created weed.
Which will you choose?"

And someone rote underneath it
"Booze u stoner cunt!!!"
oh lordy me it cracked me up!

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Oh lord.

Well this is a direct rip from something awful, but i doubt many of u apart from laurie read that regualry....
What will they think of next...

Yet true. (not pr0n)(sorry meakin....)

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

More images....

More images over at Images by glen.
Today was quite the productive day!

2 New images.

Theres 2 new images over at the image site!
Check them out.
In other news, my mistressed cooked me dinner again last night, and once again it was fucking fantastic, thanks baby!
The new work camera is god dam fantastic....
Laurie took a photo on the beach of this chick with no zoom on, then zoomed in, and ded set gave her a orgasm...
Well that didnt actualy happen, but laurie did take a photo at the beach looking at the buildings in the distance, then he zoomed in using the optical zoom, and fuck, it was like he was about 2km's closer than the previous photo!
Fucking exelent camera.
Fucking dumbest way to remove photos from it.
We dead set had to throw the camer on the ground and break it in half to get the images out.....
Well not to much to report, except i need fuel....

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Images by Glen.

Ok people.
I have made another blog.
Its dedicated to image requesting and then creation.

Its a simple process.
I think it should work.
If u think of some bizzare things, go to Images by Glen.
I have uploaded all the previous images on there, so yeh i know you will of seen them all already.
Thanks guys.


For all of you who like games where dice are involved.

Go here!

It cracked me up!

Friday, May 06, 2005

Its a Montage!

Fuck yeah its a montage!

Im not to happy with Gerald the dog, but if u look at the sloth he is shaking its sloth fist, how cool is that!


So to check it off the list.
3 toed Sloth. - Check
Figjam the hunter. - Check
Sexy Laurie in a cage. - Check
Nye - In monkey form. - Check (you need to enlarge it to see him on Figgies shoulder.)
Gerald - Hunting Dog. - Check (well hes a dog.)
Meakin - Dog form. - Wouldnt fit, Still trying.

That seems to be everyone.
And at 2200 Pixels no less.
And in around a hour to construct.
Keep them coming people!

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Enough blogs to build a house from.

What ever the fuck that means.
Well thought i should do something novel and post a blog that doesnt contain some images....
Well i got my first 7 today at uni, was quite chuffed with my self...
It was for my image of much awesomeness which cameabout by much accidentalness!
So go me and my accidents!
I have also attached a rca switcher to the amp in my car thus enableing me to switch between the head unit, and the ipod, which has made for much loud metallica with crystal clear quality to be eminating from the 'rolla of doom.
I call i the 'rolla of doom because im sure its about to fall apart from all the doom i throw at it.
And yes its possible to throw doom at a car.
if it was in a movie, and there was a montage about the doom being thrown at the car, i would want the team america montage song to be playing..
God dam that was a funny funny movie.
Ok everyone together
ahhh good times.
Well apart from lots of images and no internet, and a 7 of course i dont have much more to report.....
NIN album is kick ass!
Also everyone play Pirates!, its a awesome game!

The hill are alive with the sound of Jesus.

Frank sugested "Laurie & Hiedi from The Sound of Music."
It didnt look finished, so i threw in a jesus reference for good measure.

Gerald the cycling space octopus

Meakin wanted to see "gerald the cycling space octopus"

And here he is!

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Fuck the story.

Well i had a epiphany.
The story idea i would proably never do.
Photoshop things on the other hand...
Comment on what u want to see in a image, eg if u wanted meaking, pirates, and jedi, u would of got the image below...
So give me some good ideas, AND they need to be safe for work, eg, Meaky, Kappa, Pool of jelly, cause i cant work on that at work, if it was
Meaky Kappa, tea, and scones, THAT i could work on...

Get the idea?

There were 2 funerals yesterday....

One for joe bialke whatever his name, and the other for my Free broadband.
The bloke came over last night and told me his missus didnt really like the idea of the sharing....
Alas, So close but so far.
Well now i guess its time to stick the wireless card in again and try and find some more unsecure hotspots, or secure ones and try my luck at cracking them.
That or i could somehow ninja into his house and hard wire a conection into my house, but i dont think i have the skills for that.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Long John Obi Wan Meakin

As per meakins horrible jedi pirate image, i made one in hopes to righten the wrong, that was his image.