Idea for HL2 DM map.
Have the different rooms, and the secret passages, fill said rooms with the objects of choice.
So lead pipes(remodeled crowbar) in one, revolvers in others, knives, candle sticks, and other such devices of death.
Give the player only the gravity gun. Obviously the revolver will be the prime choice of weapon, so limit it to 1 bullet, unless u camp the revolver room, and stock up, but set the respawn time for ammo as a long one..
Obviously the rooms can be decked out in all their splender, so the libary, would have bookcases lining the walls full of books, and with delicious hl2 phisics attached, read as, kill someone by shooting them with a book from gravity gun, squashing them UNDER a falling book case, or shooting a broken bit of a book case at them.
I feel this has mucho potential.
Also if im feeling adventurous, and or get a good model designer on the case, have the different characters, eg Cournel mustard, and all the other characters..
T'would be Nothing cooler than being cournel mustard and nailing mrs plum in the libary with your lead pipe..
Limit the server to only have a certain ammount of people (the amount of characters in the game).
So that u cant have double ups on characters.
Say for eg, You have one char, hes cournel mustard, and some other player, Miss Scarlet(plus 4 other characters)
BUT, say cournel mustard, gets most kills, and miss scarlet gets LEAST kills, WELL when the round finishes, have a image showing cournel mustard beating miss scarlet to death with a lead pipe (one of the weapons) in the background of the score board.
Or say if its reveresed, say miss scarlet is stabbing cournel mustard in the chest over and over with the knife.
It would be interesting to see if HL2 saves the data on which weapon used the most in the round, cause then i could just have a certain amount of images created, to reflect all the possible iterations.
That would be a awesome end sequence.
***UPDATE 2***

Thoughts on the layout.
SHOULD access to each room be by way of the other, or should there be a path in the middle like the Original gameboard?
I would like to avoid a big "death pit" in the centre, where its frag central, id like to contain it to in room death, otherwise it would look stupid to have "Cournel Mustard Killed prof. Plum's, with the lead pipe, in the path between the hall and libary"
SO im thinking of have a "ring like" way of navigation, so to get to the hall, you would need to go through the Study, or lounge, OR the secret passage that is in the Ball room...
Please comment your thoughts.
***UPDATE 3***
Alright, its been decided that the painting of the dogs playing pool, is going into the Billard room, so u can ultimately kill someone with it..
Also done some research, and u should be able to pin a corpse to the wall by shooting a pool cue at someone.. (like the cross bow.)
***UPDATE 4***
Made a CAD map of how the map will function.

[Click for a bigger view]
The numbers result to the secret passages.
The tunnels on the side will be portaled to as soon as you enter the passage and u will move thru it untill u get to the otherside where you will be portaled back to the room.
To have a instant *blink* between rooms, would be silly, Also, this leaves room for random encounters in the secret passages.