
Blog monkeys that tried to quit smoking Lauries sweet sweet pole axe, But when faced with a stressfull situation threw caution to the wind in a cavelcade of sexual inhabitions and cheese went back to the fires of mount poon to light the infernal dick of cancer and loved every second of it.
Meakin | Chirpy | Erin | Franga | Gerald | Lani | Glen's Image site | Gibbo | Shorty | Laurie |

Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Tekken 5???

Seems they are making a Tekken 5, good lord!
Tekken 5[GameSpy]
Looks like the good people of the xbox modding comunity will have to make a PS2 emulater, cause fucked if i am going to buy a PS2.
Also im running outa music to listen to.
I have worn out my colection.
Its nasty!
I think my Audioslave cd has been listened to so many times that the reflective coating that holds the data the laser reads will blow away into dust.
Still tired.
Kings of chaos STILL wont work
stop playing web games and go shoot some school firends,
Waa Waa i have no firends
Ill go shoot everyone!!!!
Like thats going to make you firends you dumb fuck!
Maybe charles manson will make u his bitch in jail.
I dont actualy know if charlie is alive, i think he is, but hes in america so u never can tell, as they like to kill people every 3 seconds.
Its like a hostage situation, except they have no demands, and the hostages are the american people, and the terroists are the government.
"Terroist win"

Whats up my peeps?

Well today i feel quite quite tired, and will drink something soon to change the effects, or even reverse (but that would be changing it anyway...) the effects of being tired.
Todays plan.
1. Get work done as quick as posible.
2. Start working on my lego men movie for uni
3. Realize that getting all my work done will result in me getting more work
4. Try and figure out a way to magicly do all assesments AND work
5. Have realization dawn upon me that this wont happen and i will have wasted an hour thinking of ways to look bust while doing uni work

Well now that i have something to do today maybe i can shut my wining.
YOU LACK DISCIPLINE, im detective john kimble
ehehehe ahhh.

In recent Luenburger news hes working at the Domain / Harvey norman in the valley, in the bed section.
So go buy some sheets and get him some commision. Also set of the fire alarm so he can run around again screaming in his arnie voice "GET DOWN GET DOWN"
Which as u can imagine would be fucking hilarious.
Also ask to buy one of the $8000 latex matresses and then get him carry it down to your car only to realise that even tho you said u had a van, u really only have one of those barina's that have that bizzare back section on it, i belive its called a "Combo"
And then laugh at him as he gets real angry and has to cart it back up all those stairs.
Carefull as he might piss in your new matress tho, that would be unpleasant.
for some.....
Time for some proof reading then to click POST!
Ok proof reading done.
That must be good for you chumps to know.

Monday, August 30, 2004

Kick ass website

Wow guys check this out its pretty cool!!!!
Check It out

Gerald Got Bored.

Well for Gerald.
I had a cool weekend.
Brookside was boring.
Sunday planed to steal a lizzard.
Freaked out a lady at a grave site.
The lady had a cool dog.
Did not do one ounce of my assingment due friday.
There you go cheif.

My Fucking Awesome Weekend!

This last weekend has been one of the best weekends i have had in a LONG time.
Here are the run downs.
1.) Fireworks
2.) Free Parking and a awesome spot to see fire works
3.) Getting smashed at Gillhollies after fire works
4.) Nearly falling over and breaking my skull as we stagger home
5.) Disturbing a lady paying her respects to her dear husband and posible son
6.) Having a not so terrible hangover the next day

I think thats about it.
Although some of them might not be in chronalogical order, but im fairly sure they are, number 5 might freak you out so i will eventualy explain.

oh 7.) bought a new book about fedual japan and guys doing crouching tiger hidden dragon shit and cuting fuck threw other people!!!!

Saturday morning was quite bizzare, in that i didnt wake up before ros, usualy she will sleep to about 1 in the afternoon and i will sit idely reading of playing computer / watching a movie. Well it came 11 o'clock and i was still fast asleep and ros wakes me up and im like wtf has the world gone topsy turvey,
Anyway i worked out why i should not sleep past 9 am in the morning.
No matter how hot it is, i will be wrapped like a sausage roll in the blanket, usualy sweating like a pig.
So when i get woken from my cacoon covered in sweat, its usualy nasty
thats why the first decree is in place.
Glen shall not sleep beyond 9am unless it is -30 degrees inside the room.

Anyway we had to chuff off over to brookside, as ros had a bridesmaid fitting for some wedding she is brides maid for in november.
So ros went off to the meeting of girls and dresses and shoes and all that terrible crap and i sat in the car in the underground parking lot reading my book, getting lots of strange looks from passer bys.
This usualy would phase me at all, except at 2 and a half hours the most unthinkable happened. I finished my book.
It was nasty.
For those of you who might have not been to brookside, its a dead set grandma shopping centre. With only 1 remotely guy shop (EB) the rest is devoted to clothes, hair, shoes, and make up. Gastly i know!
anyway the fucks in EB were absalute rude pricks.
I thought they have even taken a course at the Luenburger school of rude bastads. (LSRB for short.)
Usualy at EB i feel a kind of contentment one feels when one knows is with his people.
These dumb rude fucks were quite insulting and rude as i asked a question about what this kick ass ninja game is, thats on the screen playing, as EB doesnt belive in signs that say anything less than "50% of all pre-owned games"
Fucking cunts.
The response i got was that it was called Red Star ninja or something, and that it wasn't out till novemebr, so why was i asking, and i was like well you are fucking advertising it why dont u let me show some interest in it, and when i asked for what platform it was on, the guys looked as if i had whipped out the elephant schlong and smacked them in their faces, and their mother's faces, and thier dead grandmother's faces and that all of the ladies had liked it and licked it, even the dead ones.

Right got a bit off track there, anyway its coming for xbox is i was quite relieved that i would be able to hire this game, load it on the xbox and never speak of the disc again, in fact i might even work out a way to rought EB of their 7 day satisfaction garuentee by buying it, then returing it as i hate them.
Anyway i was pissed off and still no word from ros, anyway about an hour later she calls me and says shes ready to go so i meet her in myers and i do belive the lord jesus rewarded me for being a nice boyfriend, as he showed me the name of the author of the book that i have been searcing for for a long time, needless to say books were purchesed ros was happy as she got a dress worth $275 and some shoes worth $80 for free, i was happy cause i got my new book and that we were leaving brookside.
Anyway , we journeyed home (wow thats spelt REAL bad)[not home the word before it] and then went over to Matt and Jills as that was out base of attack on the city for fireworks.
It was called operation fireworks. simple , and meaningfull.
Anyway need less to say trafic was shite but we took a ninja way there and we managed to have no trouble at all, it was even pleasant as we found where the lord stanley hotel is hidden and drove passed a kung fu academy, i shit u not!
We parked in the Mater car park and went to the top floor. Anyway there was like 100 other people up that but that didnt matter we had awesome seats, could see all of the fireworks above south bank, and could see 90% of the fireworks from the story bridge, but hey it was the same as the ones over south bank so either way it was fucking awesome.
The F1-11's came from right over our heads,

None of this, "see them then they fly over you", it was like wow look at the fireworks
wtf was that
as the planes fly about 3 metres above out heads and we feel the burn as the exhaust goes past, it was fucking aweosme!
And because ros works at the mater, the staff car parking card was used and it was free parking to top it off!
It was fucking awesome.
Also i had a sauseage in bread with onions, it was good to.
The trip home was also fucking fantastic as again ninja ways were utilized and we missed ALL of the trafic.
ALL of it, i saw one car and i threw ninja stars at it and it exploded, (Note: this might not of happened)
Anyway on the way home ros declares that she would like to go out.
Everyone goes, thats a fucking great idea, then we decided as the city will be packed and we arent really dressed for city outings we should go to matt and jills they can get changed then we should go to our house so ros can get changed. I, as usual was always ready to party and was properly equiped.
Chermo Gillhoolies was awesome not many people were there and we sat upstairs and enjoyed many drinks and not to much cigie smoke.
Well i had my first Jug of guiness, and as have not drunk it ever before i was weary.
Anyway gibbo bought the jug so i helped him devour it, then we had 2 more jugs of xxxx bitter and the girls drunk their funny premixed drinks, as girls do.
When Balieys and milk was purchased for the girls, they both had a quite large sip / gulp and both decided that the milk was off, so test dummy gibbo had a sip and was like wtf that shit is nasty.
So the girls went up to the bar as we continued to sink XXXX in rapid ...... drinky fassion.
As soon as the girls went to the bar, they were imediatley asked to go get security, so they trudged down the stairs as matt and i watched bemused and were shortly folowed by 4 security guards, which we found quite amusing, anyway the guards were called for a different matter completely but it was funny in our drunk hazzy minds.
We eventualy left, no idea at what time, and stumbled off home.
I nearly got hit by cars, twice, i think it was twice, having no regard for Autombiles, as i was walking and was drunk so i had right of way, they stopped as i knew they would.
Does everyone know The old church that is across the road from westfileds??
It has a small brick wall, which i deceided i could jump on, and i did, cept fell straight back off, managed to land on my feet but it was a very close - "one hundred and twenty eight megabyte exprience" - call (laurie will know what the fuck i am talking about) anyway somehow yellow flowers were picked and i had one in my ear as we walked home, Jill ripped Matt's flower off (im not sure if that is a metafore for anything) then all he had was the stem of his flower, whcih was named "the lingering infection".
Not sure why, this is all very drunk hazzy for me, so if it makes no sense drink a lot of beer, then read again.
Promise's of lasagna were made- (you know when you are really drunk you have the strangest hungers, Leccute and youghurt, My favorite!!) , then when we finaly got home we decided not to have it, but i ate some biscuits which were delicious.

Sunday morning i woke up nice and early, as is the glen way, drunk fuck loads of water then read my book till ros woke up a couple of hours later.

Sunday was torture as we went shoping and ros found her "green thumb" and i sat on a bag of feralizer while she decided which seeds she wished to plant.
Then sat on a bag of dogfood while she worked out which pot she wanted to buy.
Then sat on a bench while she decided which hanging basket to buy, then when there was nothing to sit on at "de pot man" i wandered around looking at the funny chinese garden ornaments.
I wonder if golemfrom LOTR was high in the chinese myth's as he was featured quite heavily, or maybe "de pot man" just cashed in on the golem bandwagon.
Anyway we went home ros planeted seeds and i read my awesome book.

- This book is fucking awesome i love it and cant wait to finish it, only to read the 2nd one in the series and the the 3rd -

Also ken you still have those books you took down to sydney a couple of months ago,

Anyway we went out to my olds place to give mum her birthday present on sunday arvo and looked at a pet shop (refer nyes blog for metallica mobile sightings) then stoped at a few churces to check them out, and in-advernadtley disturbed a lady paying homage or just visiting her husband and son (both dead) although she had a cool boxer dog, it was alive.
Sorry lady, although i doubt u read my blog, but if u do, you have a cool dog.
Sunday night we went to coffee club for dinner and i ate a pizza as was my want, bbq chicken, it was fucking awesome.
So for a weekend when i should of really done my KIB808 assingment, due friday worth 40% of the overall grade, and i havent started, but it was a good weekend never the less.

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Congratulations Amy & Rob

This is more of a comunitiy anouncement than me harping about something trivial.
Amy and Rob got engadged last night, so Congratulations are in order for the happy couple.
Thats all for today, as i have asingments looming, about 50 of them.

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

AvP & The Village Reviews

Aliens Vs Predator.
This movie kicked ass.
Team of humans "find" some sort of pryamid in the ass end of antratica, which bears resembelances to aztec, egyptian, and cambodian style of building temples.
Team of humans inadverdantley "wake/release" the aliens from their slubmer (when did aliens ever sleep???) The predators are in some space ship and come down to the temple.
Now the temple is a sort fo Predator "Rights of Passage" temple, where the main goal is for the preds to awake the aliens, kick their asses revcieve their shoulder cannons, then kick some more aliens asses, then hand the aliens asses to them on a plate, by using their fancy knives and super boomerang / frisbie or spikes!
the humans that "find the temple" are basicly been lured there by the preds, as the face suckers need something to lay their filthy eggs in.
So the humans gett pretty pissed when they work that out, and take the shoulder cannons, except they dont realise they have shoulder canons, as the humans dont have shoulder cannon ports in their... shoulders.
Anyway there is the usualy fucking awesomeness of the preds being invisible as they lay havok to the humans that get in thier road, and of course hang them up by their feet so that other people run into them and go "ahh ahhh"
There is a most fucking of brilant scenes ever, then this human is walking along and then u see a gliny of a deadly garot that his face is about to walk into, then *shink* this guy is pulled up to a strangley death and only his gun remains!
which freaks the other humans out!
There is heaps on aliens second set of teeth coming out and fucking people / preds heads and busting sweet sweet green (for the preds) blood everywhere, and of course the spear gun to the shoulder is a nice touch.
Basicly if u loved the games, or even payed the games you will love this movie
the ending is cool, some might get a little anoyed at it, but i think its cool.
Some on told me they didnt like it cause their was no pred shoulder cannon action, and to those people i say, umm dude watch the movie again, and look out for the tell tail 3 laser pointer of death.

M. knight shalyiman.
I have never really liked this guys moives, i feel he makes it fucking piss scary then proceedes to show you the "bad thing" then the rest of the movie is a big let down.
Not to much like that in this movie, althou he has his reveal then let down section.
BUT it has the biggest kick ass twist EVOR, i doubt anyone could of picked this twist.
actualy there is 2 twists, 1 is failry easy to pick, and you go ha ha i have picked the twist, i am sexelent and all must Embrassez Mon Baton De Pain.
Then he goes(m. knight shalyiman) no, it is u who must Embrassez Mon Baton De Pain.
so yeah after the movie i had to embrace his bread stick.
It was cool i guess, but quite a few holes in it, kinda like with spider man , how did peter parker make some kick ass spider man suit with his granny's singer sewing machine.

My recomendations.
Aliens Vs Predator: See enjoy, go for the special effects, as the story line isnt TO complex, but it IS a AVP movie.
The Village: See, as i has some good shit your pants moments, and you get to see jaquine phionex stabbed like a mother fucker (always good in a movie).

The Line, The LINE

O sinnah, come an' lose yuh load. On de Glory Road.

De Glory Road

Oh my friends do i have the most funniest things to tell you!.
Saturday night was Jill's 21st. Now the plan was: to go to party, leave about 8ish, then head all the way back to brisbane (the party was at the Sunshine coast) then go out clubbing.
Ros got the biggest head / chest cold on about thursday so she was basicly a big ball of snotty tisues and hacking coughs's, Gibbo wasnt much better, although he was on the mend. Jill and i were fine.
So with ros and Gibbo being sick as the clubbing was disengaged, in leui of next weekend.
The highlight of the party was jill's grandad, who by the way has a wicked walking cane, it is basicly a Mace, well you all know what a walking cane is, this is like that cept with a wicked meaty ball on the end, looked real cool, at the end of the evening we discussed many reasons for this beating stick, that was because of the song he sung.
This seems to be a tradition, so ros and i were not really expecting this old man to bellow out a tune, he really hit the notes quite well for a man of his age, seriously he can sing better than i can, although that isnt really that hard.
The tune you might ask, no it wasnt happy birthday, it was "De Glory Road".
This song is something i have never herd of, i looked up the lyrics for all of you and will post them now so you can get the idea.

" O de Glory Road! O de Glory Road!
I'm gwine ter drap mah load upon de Glory Road!
I lay on mah bed untell one erclock,
An' de Lawd come callin' all his faithful flock.
An' He call "Whoo-ee!" an' He call "Whoo-ee!"
An' I knowed dat de Sabior wuz ercallin' me.
An' He call "Who-ee!" an' He call "Whoo-ee!"
An' I cry "Massa Jesus, is you callin' me?"
An' He call "Who-ee!" an' He call "Whoo-ee!"
An' I riz up f'um mah pallet an' I cry, "Hyahs me!"
De Lawd sez, "Darky, ain' I call yer thrice
Ter ride erlong behin' me up ter Paradise,
On de Glory Road! Glory Road! Glory Road!"
An' I clime up ter de saddle an' I jined de load!
De hawse he wuz longer dan a thousan' mile;
His tail went lashin', an' his hoofs wuz wil';
His mane wuz flamin' an' his eyes wuz moons,
An' his mouth kep's singin' Hallaluya tunes!
De Lawd sez, "Darky, why'n cher look erroun'?"
An' dar we wuz flyin' over risin' groun'.
Powerful hills, an' mountains too,
An' de earth an' de people wuz drapt f'um view.
An' I hyahd all roun' me how de sperits sang,
An' de Lawd sang louder dan de whole she-bang!
De Lawd sez, "Darky, why'n cher look ergin'?"
An' dar wuz de Debbil, on de back av Sin,
A-bangin' on de critter wid his whip an' goad,
An' boun' he gwine ter kotch us on de Glory Road!
O Lawdy, it's de Debbil, comin' straight f'um Hell!
I kin tell him, by his roarin', an' de brimstone smell!
But de Lawd sez, "Darky, he ain' kotch us yit!"
An' He lashed an' He hustled an He loosed de bit.
Den de Debbil crep' closuh an' I hyahd him yell,
"I'm gwine ter kotch a niggah, fur ter roas' in Hell!"
An' I cried, "Lawd, sabe me!" An' de Lawd cry, "Sho!"
An' hyah it wuz Hebben an' we shet de do!
O Glory, Glory, how de angels sang!
O Glory, Glory, how de rafters rang!
An' Moses, 'n' Aaron, an' Methusalum,
Dey shout an' dey holler an' dey beat de drum.
King Solomon kissed me an' his thousan' wives,
Jes' like dey'd knowned me, durin' all dey lives!
An de Lawd sez, "Darky, take a gran'stan' seat.
But I specks youse hongry; have a bite ter eat?"
An' de ravens fed me, an' Elijah prayed,
An' de Sabed Ones gathered, while de organ played.
An' dey cry, "O sinnah, come an' lose yuh load.
On de Glory Road, on de Glory Road."
Sez de Lawd, "No, sinnah, you mus' trabble back
Ter he'p po' niggahs up de Glory Track;
Ter he'p old mo'ners, an de scoffin' coons,
By shoutin' loud Hallelujah tunes."
O come, ma breddren, won't yuh drap yuh load,
An' ride ter Hebben up de Glory Road,
Glory Road, Glory Road, Glory Road!
Now the traditional version had Brother in place of Darky, but the old man sung the darky version, which earnt him much respect form me, and many pinces from ros as i tried my best to stifle my laughter as the line:
De Lawd sez, "Darky, ain' I call yer thrice Ter ride erlong behin' me up ter Paradise, On de Glory Road!
which roughly translates to darky, i am calling you to ride behind me up da glory road.
Now when this true champion of grandfathers belted out this tune, it dead set sounded like come on darky come blow your load on the glory road.
that line nearly set me off with wild abandon.
Fuck it was funny.
by the way that song IS in ENGLISH, but is fucking hard to read, try reading it with either a coon accent or a black american accent.
Eitherway its piss funny.
Sunday was Karla and Daves engadgement, which was..Good.
Ken and i paid the shit thru figjam about playing D&D, I cast magic missle!
And figjam told me all about the joys of living away from home, which i already knew as i had been doing it for quite a time.
Eitherway as i sit here on mondya morning listening to Dandy warhols and rejoicing in de glory road i bid u all a good week,
and nye i will get the net at home as soon as i can trick / convince ros it is feasable.

Saturday, August 21, 2004

Proof Reading

Well if anyone read the last post before 10am, please read again, as i have actualy Proof read it and gave it some structure as it was all over the shop and nothing made sense.
Try again.
Cheers Baby!

Laurie folded.

I do remember when Laurie and I used to read nye's blog and he said, nah i would never make one of those, cause when i see people then they would know what i had done and we would have nothing to talk about after we had gay sex.
Ok ok ok...
I may have made up a few things in the last sentence,
for instanc: he never said "nothing to talk about",
but the gay sex part is real
ok its not.
well anyway.
I agree whole farted, i mean heartedly,
(PS. On a side note everyone send their thoughts and gas mask's to lauire as i have some hideous and most potent gas today!) - GO Roz's Mums Potato BAKE!

Anyway beers, or bundy at uni is awesome, specialy when mixed with yellow fever.

I went to dick smith the other day for a coax cable to go from the dvd player to the amp of sexiness, so i could be running the dvd in proper 5.1 instead of stero simulated 5.1, which is shit!
And totoaly unfufilling, anyway the dumb fuck there was like well that will be at least 20 mins wait as i am retarded and dont know how to serve customers.
Anyway get fed up go find the cable im after trudge back to the counter when I purchase the cable of neededness, walk back to the car drive home, look more closely at the cable, realize that i have bought a video coax cable instead of a audio one, Good job glen (that one was my fault)
So i go back get the RIGHT cable, which was cheaper and tripple sheilded and had gold plated conections "for the best quality in signal transfer" and plug the fucker in,
And it doesnt work, to my dismay for some fucking stupid reason the dvd player will not pump 5.1 audio out of the digital coax cable slot.
I have no idea why, and its really starting to shit me.
I sure cant wait for dad to buy a dvd recorded so i can have his Pioneer super-uber sexy slimline dvd payer of multi progressional scan and awesomeness which actualy works, curse u teac-target dvd player.
Then to top everything off on my shity day at 2:30 i decide its time for me to leave home and go to uni, so off i chuff with my mobile, wallet, uni bag and no car keys out the front door, yes thats right, NO car keys.
Now our unit used to be break-in-able, cause when i left the keys at roz's parents house and they droped us at lou's 21st of fucking so much drinkiness, Anyway after ros and i were locked out of the house at 2 in the moring pissed of our heads pawing at the glass door hoping it would open magicly, we nearly broke in.
Ahh thats right we broke in a couple of days before cause I left my keys inside, anyway we managed to pry the 2 glass doors apart by me
pushing up + down + forward + 0 + x, and fire balling the door,
While ros did a Qtr Circle back + down + up + left + right + [] + triliangle to fly kick that fucker outa place,
Anyway we got in, then we deceided if WE could get in by using simple teken 3 moves someone using advanced Soul Calibur 2 moves would be able to combo in, in no time, So dowel was cut, and stuck in the tracks of the door so no bastad could sneak in and steal the amp and speakers.
Back To lou's Party ages ago:

We were making our own cocktails and i was drinking right from the blender. Fuck that party was aweseome, and it wasn't awesome for the free cocktails although that did add to the extra awesomeness, but lou hurling straight Southern Comfort after she was skulling the bottle like a mad bitch, and she paid the price.
Also lauire and i found a bizzare hole between the toilet and the garage....
Odd i know and it wasnt glory hole or anyting it was like 50x150 and like 2200 high up the wall, so it was this weird gap in the wall really high up, There must of been some potent smells eminating from that toilet.

Wow i sure got off track, let me pause a second and read what i was suposed to be talking about.
ah yes the dvd player.
no leaving my keys inside!
What the fuck am i talking about!
i love ozzie osbourne.

Anyway had to wait an hour for ros to come home and let me in so i could get my keys and go off to my interactivity tutorial, in which we used Macromedia Flash for like 5 mins then proceded to "story borad" FZero on the Game Cube, by story board i mean play it for an hour and a half and write shit in the board for 10 mins
no tests, only asingments and u make them on cool fun shit!
anyway Laurie has come in now so its time to start gassing him!

Monday, August 16, 2004

I tricked you into penetration.

Well, this post isnt anything about tricking someone into penetration. Far from it in fact.
First person to work out where the line comes from wins a kick in the anus, the line of the song is the title of the blog.
Anyway my weekend consisted of going to the city on saturday for shopping (GAH how boring!) and then back home again to bask in the glory of the new speakers. Firday sure the purchase of a 2RCA into 1 RCA cable wich enabled the Sub Woofer to be hooked up like a nigga on crack.
One of the cool features of the Sub woofer is the super bright blue LED that is on the front of the sub, and indicates when it is on / has signal. Anyway now while i watch movies on the dark i have a sexy blue glow to aid in the devouring of narchos and other tasty movie treats!
Sunday morning i decided braveheart, that sexy movie with lots of scenes with heavy cavalry in it, which i might add is posibly the most bassy thing you can test a sub woofer out on, apart from song 1 from Moby's "Everything is wrong" album. So yeah the sub and sexy speakers passed the test of jizz-ness, and they do everything possible in the production of said jizz, but the dont help clean said jizz, but the manual does give some helpfull advice as not to use harsh chemical cleaners , only a moist cloth for the cleaning of speakers, as harsh chemicals can damage the surfaces. Valid advice i took to heart, i use a soft dust cloth that gets moved around by the air, basicly with the windows open is when the speakers get a "self" clean.
Anyway sunday noon saw roz wake up, braveheart stop and the quest for fish and chips to begin! Manyl was our destination.
Gibbo and jill our cheafuer's.
Matt had no idea where he was going, but managed to get us to manly without any problems, once we saw the water we drove in that direction till the muddy stinky manly was discovered. Said grease was ordered and the wait endured, till the fishamans basket was ready to be consumed by ros and my self. The nice sunny grassy area looked like a good spot to eat, but i thinks thats what the commando ants wanted us to belive.
Dont you hate it how ants wait till u have un wrapped the food and are quite contently hoesing into it, before removing their cammoflage and stoming the fortress known as butchers paper and greasy poatoes, deep fired to a golden perfection, smothered in salt and lemon. So movement was initialed at the ants left behind in a billowing dust cloud that engulfed a passing caravan train and caused them to take shelter in a nearby cave. (Note, Dust cloud and camel train may not have actualy existed.)
Ros had to be droped off at work so she was pretty shitty that she had to go to work on a sunday but hey penalty rates are there for a reason.
Much Age of myth, and Counter strike was played, till Law and order and ncis came on, and once again i missed the last 10 (and most important) minuets of the show cause i had to go pick ros up, so lets hope matt and jill remembered what happened and the fog of war didnt set in.
This morning i had to bring one of my sowrds to work, so i could drop it off at roz's parents place so they could get a case made up so i could hang it on a wall, anyway as i was walking out to the car i was waiting to be attacked by a saxon raiding party, or some kind of english rebles, till i realised i had played to many computer games, and watched way to many medievil movies on the weekend, no zombies tho, as i didnt play doom 3, but thats another story!
also the sword didnt fly around in the car while i was doing death turns and stab me in the eye, so that was good, but then there is always this afternoon rides home in which ninja's, saxons, scotts, or english rebels could attack me and i will need to slay them, whoops there i go again.
Sorry for the long boring and comepletely waste of space this blog took up, but it gives me pleaseure to know i have wasted at least 1 minuet of your day.
And yes i know i spelt minuet wrong
Sue me!

Friday, August 13, 2004

What is with Push bike riders

Whats the deal with push bike riders riding on the road like they own it or something, when in fact they DONT pay rego for their shity 2 wheeled contraptions and they dont ride on the footpath cutting grandma's and mums with prams down with wild abandon (i remember that what we used to do when we were kids). When did the good times end?
How come nowdays kids wont ride on the footpath and run over dogs and stuff like that?
Was there some law passed stating that no push bike shall pass a walking person?, Was it the gandalf law (NONE SHALL PASS!!!!)
either way i am vbery unimpressed, when im driving to work i expect to be able to drive at 60, if the speed limit is 60, if the speed limit is 30, down a hill, cause thats all the pushbike dude can manage then sure, but if the speed limit is 60, and he is doing 30, it should be law that i can legaly run him down if he gets in the road, now whether or not he chooses to get caught in my front grille and i still have chunks of his hair in there for weeks to come, is his choice, BUT it should be my RIGHT as a rego paying driver to run him down if he gets in the road, i would only expect the same for myself.
ALso got my New SUPER sexy home speakers and sub of doom!!!!
see picture:

Sexy HUH!!

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Changed some colours

theres no prize if u can guess them as it is pretty straight forward.
Also i read a comment that said nye was going to be getting a Apple Mac some time soon,
May god have mercy on us all
as i said an iBook is ok
everything else that is running MacOsX is not allowed.
That is the first decree
Get the scientist's working on the tube technology!


Did u guys know that english is the only language in the world that has a word for porn.
This is what happened when i translated porn star.

greek - Αστέρι Porn
dutch - De Ster van Porn
french - Étoile De Porn
german - Porn Stern
russian - Звезда Porn
italian - Stella Di Porn

When u translate from english to french:

Kiss my bread stick

u get,

Embrassez Mon Baton De Pain

now to me that doesnt look very much like bread stick does it....
it looks like it says something that resembles a bread stick....
anyway when i translated it back from french to english i got:

Embrace My Bread Stick.

I Love it!

Monday, August 09, 2004

Word Up, Home Owners insurance

sure had a post all written then clicked settings and it said to u want to destroy your mesage and die in a whole, and i clicked no, and it did it anyway
ok the general gist of the message was
funny commic: Elftor
and stinky roz
devil farts invading my house

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Uni, Creative Industires, and Email

One might presume that this post would cover those 3 things mentined in the title, but thats where u are wrong, im about to pull a jesus, or matrix which everone holds more cultural meaning to you. Basicly Macintosh computers are gay, now kens iboox is ok, as it doesnt fit into the regieme of the Mac osX, ok maybe i dont have a problem with the hardware of mac's, excpet their tiny tiny keyboards that my fat fingers cannot operate very well, or to a degree of efficiancy, but that is beside the point. OH YES i hate the mac mouse as well, anything that only has one button is gay and should be thrown in the bin in my books, im sorry but thats my stance on the matter, if a tv remote only had one button that would be a waste of time wouldnt it, i mean the only thing that could possible be good if it had one button would be the nuke St Pauls remote, where the remote is hooked up to a nuclear launch plant in which several nukes are either aimed at st pauls or certain st pauls teachers, or a bar for mrs camerons sake, the dirty wino, who just farted, sucks to be the poor fuck sitting next to me right now, hey buddy you enjoying that day old shepards pie? i know i am!!!

anyway just read nyes post of confusion, do we have a new desmo on our hans people
master of computers drinking and confusion

i forgot what i was talking about, but that doesnt matter as its written above me!
well im in a tute right about now, and if u want to look at something awesome visit tokyo plastics website!!!
soprry but there is this fucking faglord over the other side of this computer talking in the biggest fag voice known to man, i want to shoot him till he dies, the old navy wasy!!
right check this out
Check it out is fucking amazing
sure blew not only my mind but everything atached to it, which is not much
well tute starting time to learn some flash
suck it biatch
and also with the mac's, what the fuck is with the ctrl + c not comping
ohhhh sorry use the apple key
fuck u apple!!!

There once Was A Man From India

Most of you, nay all of you, cept laurie, would not have had the distinct pleasure of meeting the one known as sharma, or sharmy to his firends, Well we arent his firends, laurie and i hate him and want him to die in a giant curry exsplosion!
But im deviating here, the sharma is a interesting creature, it lives in a little suburb of brisbane known as "little india", which consists of a small 2 story house, with 2 familys jammed in there, now i dont knwo how 2 familys would be able to live in the same house, but i guess you would get close to someone when you were getting shipped over from india in a fucking shoe box, all 2 familys in a shoe box.
Ok with that in mind his grasp of the language known as English is very poor, and many words are not pronunced as we, or even i with a comical indian accent, would pronounce them, for instance Virus, is pronounced Wireless, and Glen is pronounced, Gelen.....You would probably be able to work out that Laurie is pronunced loddy, much like sorry, is soddy.
Some of you might no that most indians are Vegitarian's, now thats ll well and good for them, but for the other poor shmucks that have to work with him, its a pain in the ass, because he doesnt eat meat, he is ALWAYS sick, im not talking about like once a month cold, im talking he has a perpetual, constant hack of a cough that is +10 to phlegm, 24/7 and he doesnt even SMOKE!!!!
I also belive that he was personaly responsable to bring SARS and the bird Flu to Australia. None of this SARS started in china cause the poor slope eyed bastads cant remember not to eat chicken shit, and then cover their entire body with chickens guts (note, this may not of actualy happened), but it came from all the dumb bastads living in india, and not eating meat!!!
Now as all of you would of seen the simpsons you all know about apu, i mean how could you not. Well Sharmy baby takes the very amusing apu accent and turns it into something that is a complete waste of air. its as if he were talking in tounge's (gibberish for all you un-educated shmucks)
Well i have just finished reading this post and what a rambeling piece of shit it is,
Just goes to show i learnt nothing from grade 12 english except how much Mr Elliot is a stupid fuck face who should be put down with a vengence, and for the love of god i mean what was with his wife, if you could call her that, i think thats a same sex marrige if i have ever seen it, they are both retarded and should be put in close proximity with some hydroclauric acid.

Again i applogise for my woeful spelling, and make no attempt to try and add grammer to this post
good day all
stay tuned for tommorrow (or this afternoon if i get bored) when i will contine the office ravings, Next stop, old man Don!